Death, death, and more death

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I scramble backwards, startled by the hand on my shoulder, but then I recognised the voice, it was Thresh.
"Rue," he began.
"I'm so scared," I replied as I relax my shoulders a bit more.
"Me too," Thresh replies.
"Look, Rue. I-" he looks down as if to continue with his sentence, but decides against it. Thresh nods quickly at me,"Good luck, Rue." He ran off into the wild greenery.
I wasn't lying. I really was scared. Scared and alone. I looked up and I saw that the trees were high and easy to climb. They were dense too, which meant I could see people below me, but they would not be able to see me. I grab my pack and jump up the trees. And wow.... the view was amazing. If I were not in these games, I would probably be enjoying it.

Over the clearing of the trees, I spotted a few tributes huddled together. Careers. I thought to myself. I found a comfortable place to rest and sat down on a thick trunk. I opened my pack and scavenged through it, looking for useful items. The contents weren't so pleasing, however there were one or two useful items. I had some rope, a flask, some iodine, a tarp, and some berries. I didn't expect there to be much, considering I grabbed it from the outer area of the cornucopia, which is rumoured to be the worst place to collect loot.
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom.

The last four cannons went off before the whole arena descended into silence, apart from the rustles of leaves and the snapping of branches.
It was really late, but I had drifted off. I was awoken by the sound of laughter and heavy footsteps hitting the ground. Must be another alliance, I thought to myself. I was going down to check, but thank the lord I did not. Somewhere, a tribute, had lit a campfire. It was quite close to me so I began to panic, I tried looking down but I didn't see anything... until the small alliance began creeping closer. They were talking to the girl near the campfire. No, wait, they weren't. They were taunting her. Then it went past like a blur.

A boy from the alliance whipped out a machete and slaughtered the girl. It was horrifying. I heard the scream, it echoed throughout the forest, masking the sound of the cannon. It was then I realised... that boy was from District 12. Peeta Mellark. He did it. I flew from tree to tree to try and escape from the alliance. The careers again. But why would someone from district 12, of all places, be in a career pack? No time to think, there were cannons going off. I still had no water so I needed to find some quickly. My food supply was running low too. Luckily I know which plants I can eat, and which I cannot. I went around a bit longer, searching for a river, or stream that had clean water.
It didn't matter since I had iodine but I would have preferred it to be clean.
I hear behind me as I was filling my flask with water.
What was that noise? I stopped what I was doing and stuffed my flask in my pack. It was then that I decided to look behind me and...
The forest behind me...
Was on fire.

This definitely wasn't good so I started running, obviously. I was very quick because of those days running and hiding from Peacekeepers. I prayed that there were no tributes near me, otherwise I'd be dead. I can't fight, but I can try to hunt. I looked behind me once again, and noticed that the fire was not receding, nor getting any closer. Barriers? I thought to myself.

At this point, I was dangerously near the Cornucopia, so I jumped up a tree and started scouting around. In the center if the cornucopia, I saw the alliance again. The careers.
What is with my bad luck of meeting the career pack three times in a row?!
I saw that there was lots of chests and loot piled up high. And food. However, knowing me, I'd never, ever, ever, be able to get that. So I retreated back into the forest, hoping that it was safe.

By the time I had returned to the spot near the cornucopia, the careers had disappeared. Probably hunting down some poor tributes. I then heard a lot of laughing and splashing comping from the river. My hearing is great but they were so loud that tributes on the other side of the arena could've heard them. The careers were chasing something. Someone. I swiftly climbed over to the commotion.

It was Katniss. She was running, her brown braid coming lose, and a expression of panic on her face. I headed a bit nearer and saw that the fire was still going on behind them. A ploy to get tributes killed most probably. The careers were on her tail. At this point I closed my eyes because I was scared. Really scared. It was until they had disappeared that I opened my eyes again. No cannon. I searched for a bit and found Katniss, shaking up on a tree. Then I looked down. The careers were down there too, they were laughing about how easy it was to kill someone who got an 11 in training. I sat, adjacent to Katniss's tree. She hasn't noticed me yet, but in the corner of my eye, I spotted a hive. No, it wasn't a normal hive. It was a tracker jacker nest. Those appeared often in the fields. We had to learn how to get rid of them without getting killed. Many deaths in district 11 were from tracker jackers.

It was getting late now so I decided to drift off. I had succeeded in getting water, but still, no food. I fell asleep dreaming about home.

I awoke the morning after, Katniss still asleep next to the nest, and the careers underneath her. Then I had a plan. A great plan, hopefully killing off at least 1 career. And I was going to put that plan into action.

Katniss had now awoken, however the careers underneath her, still asleep. Perfect. I think to myself.
Psst. I whisper over to Katniss. She looked around confused.
Psst. I said again. She looked directly at me and smiles. I pointed at the nest above her and mimed chopping it. Hopefully she understands. Katniss understood what I was saying, then she gestured for me to get away, just in case I get hurt. I scamper off quickly and watch from a far tree, far enough so that I don't get hurt.

Again, this happened in a blur, the tracker jacker nest drops on top of the careers, and Peeta. They screamed and ran for their lives. It was funny, apart from the fact that a girl was smacking at the tracker jackers. She fell and couldn't get up. Then she stayed still. Deadly still. Boom.

Well, that was confirmed. She died. I didn't stay any longer, for fear of watching the aftermath of the attack. The victims' body swells up. It's disturbing to say the least. Then I see Katniss, and Peeta. Peeta shouts something and Katniss runs.

I followed Katniss through the wild greenery. The trees grew denser and denser and then Katniss stopped suddenly, and collapsed. She must've got stung by a tracker jacker. I, personally have never experienced that firsthand, but I know it gives off powerful hallucinations. I scuttled down from the tree and with all my strength dragged Katniss under a small log, it wasn't much, but she needed sheltering. I made sure she was completely covered so nobody could've stumbled upon her by accident, and went to look for wild healing remedies.

The best I could get were some huge leaves, they had some kind of toxin in them so I set them on her tracker stings. That night there was only one tribute dead, that district 1 girl. I sat next to Katniss. She wasn't going to wake up for a couple of days, so I lean against the tree trunk and think about my family. My mother used to sing me a song called Blackbird. It was a very old song, but it brought back a lot of memories.
Blackbird singing in the dead of night...
As I drifted off to sleep, I looked up to see the artificial sky, with the stars shining. Wishing I hadn't another care in the world.

*** Author's note
Did you enjoy this chapter? It's been too long, I'm so sorry. Nobody will read this because it's been so long 😂😂😂 thank you though if you made it!

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