Chapter Eighteen

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Blaises Pov

She still hasn't told him, it's been a week since she pulled me out of the great hall fear in her eyes. She's my sister and everything and I love her but she's being bloody stupid! She's not even putting herself in danger but her baby aswell. That's all I could think about since she told me, how much danger she could be in.

As I walked the empty corridors of the school with some Ravenclaw prefect we heard some noises comping from an empty classroom "I'll take it, you go finish up checking the west side of the school and head back to your dorm. I've got the rest" I said, he nodded and walked on. I went up to the classroom door and opened it "lumos" I whispered walking in, I couldn't see anything but the house was still there, I couldn't find a candle to light so I walked around the classroom in the dark un till the sound stared again "Lumos maxima!" I said, the bright light flew out of my wand and I seen the shadow of someone before everything went dark.

I checked round again before leaving the classroom, I finished my rounds and went back to my dorm. When I walked in, Camilla was sitting with Pansy by the fire while Theo and Draco spoke about quidditch "where's Lilly?" I asked, shaking off my cloak "Sleeping, she said she wasn't feeling to well so we gave her a sleeping potion and some headache potions" Camilla said, I nodded before walking over to the fire "can I speak to you?" I said to Camilla, she nodded before getting up and taking us into the kitchen "what?" She said "did you tell him?" I questioned

"no...but I will soon." she said, shaking slightly, she pulled her cloak round her more "cami! You need to, what if it wasn't a joke" I said walking closer to her, she moved away "Blaise would you stop worrying!" She said "If you don't tell him I will!" I said, glaring at her, she looked taken back "Blaise..." she muttered "It's not that easy" she said, looking down "I understand that cami I do but you can't keep lying to your fucking husband! What if I'm not there and can't protect you! He needs to know" I shouted

"Blaise this doesn't concern you! You will not open your mouth to Draco!" She shouted back "YES it does! It's your safety on the line! I lost you once I'm not loosing my sister again!" I shouted "If you don't want to loose me-" she began, arms crossed against her chest "Then stay out of's my choice not yours!" She said before walking out and stomping upstairs, Draco chasing behind her. I threw one of the glasses at the wall and then stormed into the bathroom, she doesn't realise the danger she's in.

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

Camillas PoV

I woke up to kisses being placed on my cheek "Good morning" Draco said, still kissing my cheek "morning" I smiled "you okay? Last night you locked yourself in the bathroom for awhile before just going to bed" Draco asked, concern in his voice, what happened last night came back to me "Just grumpy, probably pregnancy hormones, what time is it?" I muttered, rubbing my eyes. "7:00am, breakfast starts in 40 mins" he said, collapsing on top of me, I grunted as his weight hit me

"Get bloody off me you git! How can someone so skinny weigh so much!" I said, shoving him away, he laughed before getting out of bed "Shower?" He said, I nodded before walking in and locking the door "I meant together!" He shouted on the other side "I know!" I shouted back, the warm water hitting me. When I got out I dried off and slipped into my school uniform before brushing my teeth and working on my hair. I heard the door open and the water turn on,

I didn't bother turning round. I finished drying and straightening my hair and walked out over to my dresser, I pulled out the necklace Draco gave me for valentines and slipped on my rings. The water stopped and 5 minutes later Draco came out his hair drenched, he looked at me confused "the drying charm wouldn't work" he said, I giggled "By the looks of things you didn't use a drying charm you git" I said, I flicked my wand at his hair and it became dry "I may or may not have tried out my wandless magic" he said laughing "Idiot" I laughed, I grabbed my bag which I had charmed it red, the brown ones were so boring; and stuck the books I needed in it

I then grabbed Draco's black one and sorted his out, while he tyed his tie, and wrapped his cloak round him "here ya go" I said, swinging his bag round his shoulder "And here you go, keep that on you I don't want you freezing, you've got to keep that precious cargo warm!" He said, wrapping my cloak round me and placing a gentle kiss on my stomach, we walked out of the room together and banged on the others doors, it was only half 7 so the only other ones that would be up would be Luna and Harry, they always got up early to watch the sunrise.

I thought it was cute, we heard the grunts of our friends and then walked out. We were half way to the hall and noticed a few stares here and there at my stomach. Draco was the first to release and he pulled me down an empty corridor"We forgot the concealment charm" he muttered pointing his wand at my stomach before we entered the crowd again. We ate breakfast and then said goodbye for the day, we had no classes together today so it was going to be boring. The day went by unusually slow for me, especially since it was full of subjects I enjoyed. Blaise would tell me it's because I feel guilty.

He probably wouldn't be wrong, I do. I walked to dinner with one of my friends from Hufflepuff, Hannah abbot. She was a sweet girl, and we were in a few classes together, we went our separate ways when we reached the great hall and I sat at the table. Draco came in and looked unusually angry, as did a few other of the older students, he sat down beside me and before I got a word out handed me the latest paper.

Mass breakout!!
It has been reported to us that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban in the late night of yesterday. Atleast 5 of the deadliest death eater have escaped. These are the ones we are aware of at the minute, stay tuned for more information. Please keep safe!

Lucius Malfoy
Antonin Dolohov

I felt myself go numb "Shit, I didn't even know he was put back in?" I muttered "neither did I, but obviously he was and I would like him put back in, he wouldn't have been in if he hadn't had done something stupid. Maybe all his lies caught up on him" Draco sighed in anger. I kissed his cheek, getting up and  going to harry, who was already on his way to me

"Army, fights, deaths...again..?" I questioned, his eyes were glossed over with tears he wouldn't let fall "No, not this time. I'll figure something out" he said before walking away, on my way back Blaise walked into the hall, grabbed my arm and pulled my ear to his face "Either you tell him now or I do, because if you don't this could make for a bigger problem because I'm pretty sure we both know who broke them out camilla" he whispered "Keep your mouth shut zabini" I hissed before he began walking over to Harry

i shook myself and walked over to Draco, before I got to say anything I was called to go up to the teachers table "For fuck sake" I muttered walking up "Yes Headmistress?" I asked, a smile on my face. "We would like you to go over some safety rules for us, you did after all make them" she said I nodded and walked to the stage, I put my wand to my throat and began to speak "Students of hogwarts it's so nice to see use all so energetic-" I began, I seen Draco speak to Blaise

"I would like to remind you of the safety rules, especially since of recent events-" I seen Draco's eyes go cold "Please stick to the curfew times, and the castle will be fully locked up at 9pm sharp so if your outside after then, then use are stuck out there-" his eyes met mine, they were full of rage "A-and if there is any concerns please come to a teacher or prefect. The school is totally safe and there will be no-" He slammed his glass on the table and walked out "Thank you" I said before running off stage and out the hall to catch up to him, not without sending Blaise the worst jinx I could think of

"Draco! Draco please! Draco please understand why I didn't say!" I shouted, as he continued to rush off "Draco I'm pregnant I can't keep up with you!" I shouted, I couldn't run anymore, he stopped in his tracks when he heard my pants. "Why" He said "I-i was scared Draco and I didn't want to worry you! I was going to tell you b-but you were so happy about the baby....our baby girl" I said, I couldn't see them, but I knew his eyes softened when I said It, he turned round

"No more lies how many time do I have to say it, the truth from now okay?" he said, I nodded "And as for him... we are alerting Mcgonagall in the morning because I don't think the school is totally safe after all" he said, staring at the massive doors you walk into enter the castle "I don't think it is either...."


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