Meeting Blake

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"Would (Y/N) (L/N) and Mary Devis please come to the headmaster's office"

"Oho what have you done now?" Asked a very confused Ruby.

"God damnit" was Mary's only answer.

At Ozpin's office

"Ahhh when it isn't our,umm.. special guest how was your stay?"asked Ozpin.

"It was quite good,I met a lot of nice people." I said

"Didn't your 'girlfriend'screamed at you because you,a blind person, fell over her luggage?" Asked me Mary nudging me at the 'girlfriend' part.

"Ohh come on Mary she probably just had a bad day that's all,as we should know it's really stressing some people when they go to a Academy" I replied

"...god dammit (Y/N)"

Ozpin,after a good laugh, began his speech
"Well any way as I was about to say due to your extraordinary height,and other aspects, we needed to build a special dorm,it includes a bigger bed,an own shower(sexy times-insert Lenny face-)because it would properly scare people when they see your eyes...or rather when they don't see them,anyway Miss. Goodwitch will tour you through beacon and then to your dorm,alone,while the other do the initiation as I have already clearly seen your talents,yes even yours Mary as you clearly have a good eye(Wich ironically isn't the case for your partner)"

"Got it Ozpin"

(Time skip| after the tour)

"So this is it? Huh,neat"

Like Mary, I found our dorm really nice, everything seemed like it was built for me,well I mean it is,but you know what I mean. Only the main door was still the same height Wich means that I need to duck a little bit or I would bump into the wall, I learned this the hard way.
Anyway like I said I was quite happy to be here, it was perfect.

"(Y/N) on Earth,(Y/N) on Earth are you there?"

Mary snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah,is something?"

"You're kinda blocking the way to the bath room"

"Ohhh! S-sorry"

Yeah that can happen,sometimes I am so in thought that I block doors but to be fair I can't see if there is a door and people are afraid of asking me to go out of the way!

...Being me isn't easy...

*Knock knock*

I opened the door and was greeted with an aweful familiar voice/s

(45 min earlier|Pov.Ruby)

I still can't believe it, I am team leader! and the first thing I need to do is to show it (off) to my friends!

So naturally I searched for (Y/N) and Mary's dorm... when I realized that I have no idea were they could be so I decided that we need to go search it!

(Time skip|35 min Forward)

I found it! I finally found it! I saw how (Y/N) and Mary entered it after Miss. Goodwitch left.


"Hi Ruby, Yang,Weiss and... Uh I don't know you" I said pointing at the to unknown girl that smelled like a cat.

"I'm Blake,nice to meet you"
Blake greeted me.

"(Y/N) and nice meeting you too"

Suuplex out

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