A fae's lost child

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Based on: myth of changeling children

The merfolk from Cornwall slid into the lake's waters, their fins flowing golden, silver and pink. But none was daring to approach the lake's bank. Their teeth were sharp like stones, shining under the moonlight. I looked at the sky. The full moon was hanging glorious and white, like our Queen's skin and the light was majestic like our skin and hair.

I looked across; on my left the embassy of the Cornwall had settled, while on our right the embassy from Ireland, represented by Epona and her horses were as loud as always. Our Seelie Court of Scotland, represented by no other than Viona the Tenth, had settled on the top of the meadow's hill.

This was the yearly gathering of the folk and in this place the matters of our people were discussed. With the pollution these cursed humans were causing more of the fae and the mer were unsettled, choosing sometimes to immigrant at the cities or at the seas. I turned to my left; as one of her Majesty's ladies in waiting it was my duty to ensure the safety of our Queen as also conduct the Hunt.

"Rise, for the Horse Lady Epona, the Mer King Ruff and the Fae Queen Viona the Tenth!" the pixie announced with strong voice despite its tiny body. Our Queen rose from her throne; her gown made of green leaves and decorated with honeycomb flowers. Her hair, a style I had suggested, was braided with vines while some faint pixie dust was decorating her silver eyelashes, giving an extra tone on her green eyes.

Her throne was made of stone, a fine work of the trolls. Viona walked with grace towards the center of the circle, which had been drawn before the gathering. Inside the circle all the leaders were equal and every opinion was heard. I followed from behind making sure no one would disturb her. When she reached the edge of the circle, she flickered her wrist, without turning her head. "That's enough Trey."

"As you wish my Queen." I whispered and stepped back.

Despite the peace our Seelie Court had for centuries, there was an edge on the contacts we had with the humans. Teasing and deceiving was necessary for our existence like air was for the mortals. While the three rulers discussed, I reached for the small pebble stone on my tunic, sending a tiny message to the patrol. After this meeting the Queen would had to see what our Hunt would bring.

And that was nothing other than human babies. It seemed that they tasted quite lovely for our Queen. And in return for this 'offering' fae babies were placed instead. When they would reach maturity, they would join the Seelie Court, bringing back all the knowledge they had taken from the human world. This was a productive plan and in the few years of its existence we had managed to repel many attacks as also gain advantages on the way humans were thinking.

I was responsible for the Hunt and soon I would have to join. Despite my four hundred years, I was still young. My honey colored hair was threaded with rose rope while my tunic had earthly colors with my golden sword attached on my waist with a belt.

When I was born the Queen herself blessed me, knowing that I would serve her just like the females of my family always did. My yellow eyes were a proof for that. And I had never betrayed my Queen's trust.

The mer King nodded in something unspoken between Epona and Viona. The Irish goddess Epona was a protector of horses. Her sky stallions, with their blue colors and eyes, her sea horses with coral on their hooves and manes made of pearls and lastly my favorites; the earth mares with manes which smelled of lilies and bodies strong and warm like earth. All of them were respected from the fae.

When the session ended the three leaders stepped back to their respected groups and with the sound of the pipes, we began dancing. I made a circle and joined the males and females of my people, feeling the moon's glow on my pale white skin. I laughed and titled my head back and forth, left and right, my feet carrying me around the fire which appeared in the place of the circle.

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