Psyche's arrows

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Do you remember? When the world and creation were new and humans began crawling out of their holes? We were there you and I, hand in hand watching them grow. We dreamt of how we could help them find love and happiness, not caring about skin color, gender, and religion. We loved and cared and when you would take me in your arms, as we laid among stars, I would be complete.

But we were also stories and when the humans tried to understand themselves they created new stories.

Eros was born, the power as magnificent as the universe, everlasting, ever consuming in its enormity. You disappeared.

And began again as new, born out of the humans' need to understand, and I was lost. They gave you six-winged brothers and you had new companions. You became a god in the humans' mind and I cried in despair. You gave love...but also mischief. You weren't always fair and that led to tragedy too.

The darkness was never-ending. I lied there hoping you would remember me; hoping you would search for me. But I watched. I still could. You had changed so much I feared that you would never recognize me.

But when I opened my eyes again, I was a woman. Psyche the called me, the most beautiful woman in the human world. The humans tried to worship me like a goddess.

Foolish mortals, who knew of hubris, yet were blind enough to see it. But I felt you at that moment watching me, hidden behind your golden powers. So I played the role in the story.

I married you and tried to make you remember. I fell in love with you again only to lose you because when the time came and I wanted to see your true self, I realized that you had bargained with the powers born of the humans' minds in order to bring me to life.

You looked at me at that small moment, your eyes eternal and colorful, stars blinking in and out and your wings took you away from me. I sought the goddess who had made the bargain with you and gave away my borrowed life.

And when the trials were done, when I was lying between death and life, hoping to slip away and never come back to this cruel world, you appeared. Your hands caressed my mortal wounds. Your lips kissed my closed eyes, my cheeks, and my bloody lips.

You were mine again and I was yours. You remembered and I felt your agony and the eons of separation crawling into you. I woke up and looked at you and together we rose.

The humans though...they wrote the story wrong.

Stories can give birth to life, but they can also alter it and even distort it. You give labels to everything you don't understand and laugh at the hidden power that can be hidden in the most underrated places.

For he was the Psyche in your story.

And I was Eros.

We went back to our world of stars and beauty and continued to watch over you. Because love is eternal and souls will forevermore seek their mates.

Sometimes you might glimpse us in your realm. We might be the old couple who gives advice. We might be the friend you have forgotten.

But there is one detail that human story was right about.

We did have a daughter.

Her name is Pleasure.

And she is the brightest star in our world.


Author's Note:

My dear readers! I have been gone a long time due to quarantine and due to work. So I decided to post something old...but timeless.

Stay tuned as I plan to bring back a very popular trilogy that was contracted to another site. ;)

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