Chapter One

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I was out fighting another crime when the stupid Saiyaman came and upbeat up the the criminal then said, "Miss Videl Satan have a nice day!", and flew off before I could talk to him. I hate his mysterious aura that he have.

When I got to school I didn't see dorky Gohan in his seat. Gohan is the new kid that came a month ago and he is cute and every girl but me and Erasa is after him.

Gohan have amber brown eyes (in this story is his eyes so if you have a problem with that deal with it.) and black hair.

"Hey Erasa and Sharpner!" I said as I took my seat between the both of them.

"Sup babe!" Sharpner said tried to kiss me but I punch him in the face and he went flying towards the floor.

"Hi Viddy!" Erasa said and laugh at what I did to Sharpner.

"So, where Gohan!" I asked shyly for so reason.

"Why would you ask where the nerd is at when your boyfriend is right here!?" Sharpner said as he got up, which made me throw him out the window. He will be good if he is lucky, hopefully he lose the ability to talk.

"Viddy why do you ask? Do you like him now!?" Erasa asked as she wiggle her eyebrows at me making me blush.

"What no! I don't like him, I'm just asking!" I announced uncomfortably.

"Don't like who!?" A naive familiar voice making me blush more.

"Hi Gohan!" Erasa said smirking at me and wink at me. "Hi Erasa and Videl!" The naive Gohan said.

"Nothing Gohan! You don't need to worry about that." I said quickly. Sharpner came in as he hold his arm as he limp towards us.

"Videl why did throw me out the window!?" He yelled at me. I didn't care that he did because he is annoying dip.

"Anyways Gohan you should come to the mall with us today!" Erasa with her stupid devilish smirk.

"Umm..... I guess I could come but only for an hour because I need to meet a family friend in west city!" Gohan said then sat down and then our sensei came in.

"Everyone take a seat and I have a surprise for you all!"

I wonder what it is!?

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