Chapter Three

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When school over everyone looks more excited than usual in my class but Gohan. He looks like he seen a ghost l, but every time I, Erasa and Sharpner tries to see what's wrong we get nothing.

Now we heading to the mall because Erasa want to go shopping. That's the most funniest thing to do for me. Note the sarcasm because Erasa buys the whole mall and I'm not kidding.

"Gohan!!!! What's wrong!?" I yelled at Gohan because I was tired of that look on his cute face.

Wait cute face I said!!!!!!!!!!!

"Fine I have visited Capal Corporation before and I know someone there!! My father was Son Goku!!!!!" He yelled at me and making me, Sharpner and Erasa not believe him and just laughed at him.

"Nerd boy you not Son Goku son because look at you!! You are weakling and Capal Corporation you really think we will be believe that even it's more believable!!!!" Sharpner said as he laughed at him.

Gohan then eyes went indigo blue for a quick second and then when to his normal eyes.

"Believe whatever you want but forget this stupid mall thing because I'm going to go meet my old friend in west city!" Gohan yelled at us and ran towards west city which the opposite way we going.

Crap I let him get away when I wanted him to buy me something!

The trip starts tomorrow!

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