Chapter Five

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Gohan and I went into the room where father was training younger me."Father!!! Me and Gohan want to spar!!!" I yelled as we both step on the room.

"Son!! Katarot spawn!!!" Father yelled as he charge at us without a warning giving me and Gohan enough time to move out the way.

"Whoa Vegeta let us go supersaiyan! Only supersaiyan 1!" Gohan said and then he went supersaiyan 1. Then I follow Gohan as my father powered down since he was supersaiyan 2.

We both fought intensely with without helping each other. Trunks was watching with amazed. "Let's finish this in one blow!! Because I'm hungry!" Gohan said with a small laugh and smile.

We all did our finishing move and of course me and Gohan hold back because my mom will kill us if we went all out and broke the gravity room/training room. My father went all out and went supersaiyan 2 at the last second hurting us more.

Me and Gohan was half dead barely could get up but we managed get up, well limp to the bag of senzu beans. We each took one out body healed within seconds.

"You cheated father!" "Yeah you did Vegeta!" Me and Gohan slightly annoyed at him.

"I don't care!" He said cold and walk out the room with a smirk.

"Let's go Mirai!" Gohan said and ran off after my father too and Trunks follow to. I head to eat as well.

Later Gohan went home as me and Trunks stayed there playing video games. Trunks is a spoil little brat and barely nothing like me.

"Mirai! Can you tell me a story of the future?" Trunks asked as I was put him in bed.

"In the morning I'll tell you about everything that happened in the future before I destroyed 17 and 18 in my timeline." I told him as I tuck him bed.

"Promise me." Trunks said.

"I promise I will!" I said then walk out of his room to my room.

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