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_Not you she's just aesthetic and I love her

follow mourningbreath  for the rest of the story, I will be updating this book on that account bc I got my account back.


"You're like really pretty!" Finn yells at me over the loud music, we were dancing to the songs that played in the after party after his concert. I was so into the music I didn't know he starts leaning in-

If I'm going to tell be you this story, I have to go to the beginning.

I sinked deep in my chair on a Friday afternoon in class, it was my last period and then I had to spend a whole week out of state for the first time in my whole life. But it's not a beneficial for me, for my sister? Beyond. Enough explaining, let's get to the good stuff.

The bell doesn't ring for another 10 minutes so I wait for it to ring. I wait, and I wait and I wait. This has to be the longest 10 minutes of my life. I'm still waiting when I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around facing a blonde boy, Connor. He looks a bit annoyed, "your hair is all over my work." I look down seeing that some parts of my hair are somewhat draping over his work I grab it and pull it towards me.

My hair is somewhat long, (sorry if yours is short it works really good with the book for long hair.) it's at the middle of my back, I always have it straight but I hope, just hope that when you see me walking down the hallways you won't see rapunzal, you'll see just some girl with hair that goes to her middle of my back.

He doesn't say anything else so I turn around grabbing my works and shoving it in my backpack. The bell should ring any second now all I have to do is wait, I put my back pack on waiting for the bell to ring.

And just like that everyone's rushing out, Friday is the worst day for you if you're like me, you're on the other side of class away from the door and you're polite, allowing students to go in front of you.

My bestfriend Clover comes to my side, as she always does. Me and her have been bestfriends since 3rd grade we met on a circumstance, I had a friend, Morgan. we weren't as close as me and clover came to be but she was the only friend I had, she moved away one day and I didn't get a goodbye. Well not an actual proper goodbye.

Clover was in the group with the boys, she wasnt in my class so I never talked to her, but she'd chase the girls not including me, running was never my thing. Still isnt, But most girls would talk with their friends about girly things most girls talk about, specifically Justin Bieber.

One day she was with her group and I was with... well just me. I had my head down and clover felt sorry for me. As she always does... she always does. She stood next to me and even though I felt her there, staring at me I ignored her.

One things for sure that clover hates being ignored, it's the worst punishment you could give her. She finally spoke up but it wasn't anything normal like hello my names clover want to play? Instead she said "i don't like Justin Bieber, I like Adam Lambert." She said I looked up to her the sun shining my face she then plopped down next to me swinging her legs, not touching the ground. "I'm clover." Her little voice squeaked I remember I mumbled my name and clover called me (your name but what others mistake it for if you never experienced that -lucky- pick a name that's similar to yours) for a whole week until I finally man up to tell her what it really was.

Sometimes when she's mad at me she'll say my whole name name incorrectly, because that's just clover, and when I'm mad at her I'll ignore her, because that's just me.

Whenever we get in a fight it's normally something small and stupid, like accusing me of stealing her matte lipstick, but that's not what I wear and she knew that.

After all that I love her, she's my bestfriend. But she has a problem, she tends to disappear. Without a trace, just gone, but it's not because she wants to, when clover feels she's being ignored specifically her by mother she'll flee, going to the person she knows won't ignore her without a good reason. Me. The person that will drop everything for her to be okay. Me.

Because when she'll flee I'll find out in several hours because she won't answer my texts. She will know that I would go to her mom and tell her she's gone.

But that's not working anymore because her step father knows, he's not stupid the only thing he wants her mom to focus on is their child and him. He's always being an ass, not just clover but me. He dropped her off to spend the night and he told me that I was a bad influence on her and accusing me on telling her to run away. But it was her idea, clover was the type of girl you wouldn't want to mess with unless you had a death wish. She would get drunk on end and hook up with guys she's doesn't know.

Because that's just clover

"You're kidding." Clover says as were walking out, I smile turning a left in our hallway, "What?" I Ask even though I know what she meant she probably saw my sisters post saying me and her and her friends are going to New York, basically they want to meet finn and maybe get his number.

And for the rest of the weeks it's sight seeing and tours, and for the night they go clubbing. I'm specifically not invited to the clubbing part but I'm beyond welcomed for the sightseeing and tours. I wanted to tour the Empire State Building, but by myself? no way.

"maybe you could come." I bluntly say, turning around and going infront of her, she looks shocked but I would be to, this was my sisters birthday, not mine. '' I could just blackmail my sister into letting you come." I say walking to my locker that was close. "and how are you going to do that?" she asks me suspiciously she was always the whitty one, not me so I'm saying a lot of shocking things.

"she's clubbing, without my moms consent. ill threaten to tell her, but first Ill ask and if she doesnt ill blackmail." I smile devilishly as I'm putting my books away. "sneaky." she says impressed.

we both smile at each other.

"she'll let you go."

City boy // Finn wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now