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"im not letting her go." Madeline, my sister says coldly when I ask her if Clover could come, I guess since plan A didn't work Plan B is next. I shrug pretending to get over it and I walk out of the room. I stop mid step and turn around "I guess you won't mind if I tell mom that you're planning on going clubbing." I say flatly, I continue walking downstairs where my mom is. I hear her rushed footsteps from behind me and she grabs the back of my shirt. "Okay! Okay! She can come." she turns me around putting her hands on my shoulders, I know she's going to make sure I don't rat herself out.

"Don't tell Mom!" She whisper-yells. Her eyes look terrified, she's my older sister by a year or so but I was always told that we looked like twins. More or less because we act like each other not because we look alike. 

I shrug her off, her hands fall to her side she raises her eyebrows at me. "What?" I ask her she doesn't answer instead she walks back into her room without hesitation. Its always quiet, especially after my dad left 2 years ago, both me and Madeline come home to an empty, cold house. I did mind it in the beginning but I started to get used to it. But I feel alone in this empty house. 

I hear muffled voices downstairs, I thought it was just me and Madeline. after attempting to just walk away the muffled voices continued. I slowly walk down the stairs, the wooden floors creak. I stop in my tracks and continue even slower and quieter. 

once I make it down the voices stop. I keep telling myself to run upstairs and call my mom, but then I think maybe she's home early. I walk into the living room and always crap my little girl underwear when I see my mom standing in the middle of the room on her phone, she suddenly speaks louder. "its our daughters birthday!" 

she turns around, facing me she puts her palm over her phone and pull it from her ear where it was 2 seconds ago. "hello sweetheart, what you doing?" she asks me trying to be as calm as possible. "who was that?" I ask concerned, even though I knew who it was I needed a confirmation. she waves me off and returns to her phone call.

I turn my heel about to go to the kitchen. "okay then." I put my hands in my back pockets and walk out of the room to lead myself to the kitchen. I start looking around the pantry, after failing to find anything I close the door and look into the fridge. I stop to find something oddly familiar.

I grab it and examine the label, my mom walks in she sees what I'm holding. "Thats white chocolate peanut butter." she says grabbing it and putting it back into the fridge before closing it. "why does it look so familiar." I ask her grabbing a red apple from the counter. she turns the stove on and freezes, "you and your father used to eat it when you felt sick or were sad." she says turning it off, forgetting to get a pot and filling it up with water. "when I was sick?" I ask surprised, I might want to live with him if he's going to let me eat whatever I want.

actually, rain check. he lives in a full house and I for one like to go to the bathroom without 3 peoples barging through to brush their teeth. I never met my half siblings but I heard good things from my dad, and bad things from my mom, so I unfortunately don't know who to believe.

"oh by the way, Clover's coming with for the New York trip." I tell her with my mouth stuffed with parts of the apple. my mom stops what she's doing and pulls down her glasses, "and your sisters fine with that?" she asks I nod my head, "she has her own money and she can come with me to tour the empire." I add smiling she nods her head and goes back to her cooking. "were having meatloaf for dinner." she says keeping an eye on her boiled water. "then why are you boiling water. "I making corn on the Cobb on the side." she says walking to the freezer.

I walk out of the room and into mine thats upstairs. I close my bedroom door behind me and grab my computer, as I open it up I sit down on my bed, propping my computer on my lap I search up. "calpurnia concert tickets." even though we bought that and backstage passes I still want to see how much these fuckers cost. I take the computer off my lap and put it infront of me and sit criss cross. 

1,000 dollars? these bitches crazy. it is a lot of money but my mom can afford it, I meant she bought them. I don't know I guess its because she feels sorry that we only live with one parent. I hate when people feel sorry for me, it makes me feel like a project, or just some sort of sad life. 

Its kinda a waste of money, I'm not meeting this guy, and I sure as hell won't let Clover meet him. You know how long those lines are, especially his. I'm sure most of those girls that are meeting him don't even know all the bands name and only there for him. I bet they didn't even listen to a Rock/Alternative song their whole life. 

I don't know why I got so heated I shut my computer and roll on my stomach, falling asleep not even caring to change.


City boy // Finn wolfhardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz