Bad News

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Dr. Randolph Bell a surgeon at  Chastain hospital the best surgeon people would say but one morning it could change by one patients  death. As Dr. Bell made his way to the OR his hand was shaking a bit. He had a trimmer but he like to think he could control it but this surgery didn't go as plan.  Dr. Bell had soft folk music playing as he did the operation, the patient he was working on had a heart problem, and he was trying to take out a blood clot that was clogging the blood flow to her brain.Couple of the nurses were taking pictures of the surgery as he work.  As he was working on her his hand was shaking.

"I need a something to clear my view. There is too much blood." Dr. Bell said looking at the nurses in the room. They scrambled as they search for what they were looking for. As Dr. Bell tried seeing his work his hand was still shaking and he hit the patient's artery and she bled out.  Dr.Bell had blood all over him. He looked at his co-workers and they were all scared.

"What do we do?" a nurse asked, one nurse quickly grab the patient's file and looking at it closely. 

"The patient did have a heart condition so she had a heart attack and it made her bleed out." She said. Dr.Bell nodded and so did the others. The nurse who took the photos took back her phone.

"Who are you calling?" Dr.Bell asked. The nurse looked up from her phone.

"I'm deleting the photos." she snapped going back to her phone.

Dr. Bell took off the gown and and cleaned up. He walked out to the family member waiting,hopeful for good news but that wasn't the case.  As Dr.Bell approach the family they stood up. 

"Is she alright can we see her." A family member asked.  Dr.Bell didn't know what to say. It was his fault that she died but he wouldn't tell them that. He knew that would result in a lawsuit. 

"I'm sorry,but she didn't make it. She had a heart attack in which made her bleed out. I'm sorry again." He said then he walked away. Not even ashamed. His perfect score of being the best surgeon was ruin,but he hid the fact that it was his fault. He grabbed out his phone and put on a website that he started for people  to rate how the doctors were and put on a five stared himself.  He smiled as he walked back to his office.



I hope you guys like this chapter. It's a little morbid and sad, I hope you guys like it. Please vote comment on what you guys want me to add. And add it to you library.

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