Be Alright

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                                                          Dedicated to   MultiFandoms_Writing

Conrad laid on the hospital bed barely breathing with tubes all around him.  Devon and Nic sat in the room waiting for him to wake up.  Nic had to hide the fact she was crying,and so was Devon. He grown to love the  quirks of Conrad. As both Devon and  Nic worked on Conrad hoping for him to wake up. Dr. Bell came in and Nic moved to block his view of Conrad.

"What do you want?" Nic asked

"I came in to tell you that I'm doing Conrad's surgery." Dr. Bell said

"Oh no you not, Dr. Mina Okafor  is. I already requested for her to do it." Devon said 

"I'm the head surgeon  and I'm doing the surgery."  Dr.Bell said and rushed out. Nic cursed under her breathe  and stormed out of the room crying.  Devon looked at Conrad then ran out of the room.  Seeing Dr. Okafor Devon ran to her.

"Can you do Conrad surgery now please, I beg of you."

"Yes, take him down I'll get ready." She said

Devon smiled rushing back to the room. Calling for Nic they took him to the Operating Room. Dr. Okafor was ready, when they got Conrad prep and she started. 

------6 hours later------

Conrad was in room breathing on his own now,but he was still asleep.  Nic and Devon did their normal duties but always came back to check on Conrad. When they were on a break they heard beeping from Conrad's room. 

"Get this Shit off me Devon." It was Conrad talking and sitting up. Devon and Nic  ran into the room and Nic started crying and she hugged Conrad.

"I'm glad your okay." Nic said still hugging him. 

"Me too, me too." He said

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