Sane or Insane

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It was the annual Fundraiser at Chastain Park Memorial  Hospital where all the rich families come in and give money so the doctors can be "Proud" of what they do. As hours past more and more people came in talking everyone ears off.   Conrad and Nic were on the upper level of the lobby watching everyone. Conrad wasn't happy, and he made sure everyone knew. 

Nic touched his arm. "You okay?" She asked

"Yeah,I'm fine. I think it a inconveniences to have these type of things. They kiss everybody's ass so they can get paid for doing their job." He said.

Nic gave him a weak smile then heard gasp come from downstairs.  A women came into the hospital and she seem in distress. 

"Someone please help me. Their in my ear, it hurts so much. Get them out. It hurts,they are in my ear." She kept saying over and over again till she collapsed hitting her head on a table. Dr.Bell went over to her just to make sure she was breathing. When Conrad reached the women he pushed Dr.Bell Out of the way and picked her up,running her to the Emergency Room.

"I'm meet you there!" Nic called after him. Conrad was running fast so he didn't mess the chance to see what was wrong with her.  When he got to the ER, he place her on a bed  checking her out.  Nic came in helping him. 

"She doesn't have an ID maybe if we took her blood we might figure out who she is." She said

"Okay go ahead, I need to get Devon." Conrad said

"He's at a dinner with his fiancée and his parents."

"Well I need him here." He said pulling out his phone.  

Conrad sent a quick text to Devon hoping he could get their as soon as possible.  When Devon got the text he was somewhat happy to escape to question of his father. Devon raced there hoping he made it in time. When he got there Conrad ran to him. 

"What's wrong?" Devon asked

"We have a Jane Doe and I need you to check on her while I look to see if she as an ID any where on her things." Conrad said

"Conrad! I got something." Nic call after him.

Conrad ran in to the room. Nic handed him a purse with the patients  name.  

"Bingo." Conrad said

"Her name is Sarah, she an artist. But why is she in the slups? Her family is rich." Nic said

Conrad shrugged, "Who knows. Let's just.." He got cut off.

"We are here for your Jane doe that you called for us to come get." A man said

"And who are you?" Conrad asked stepping in front of him.

"We are from Liberty Memorial Hospital. We got a call saying for us to come pick her up." He said

Conrad threw his hands in the air then looked at Devon. "Make sure they don't touch her. I'll be  back."  He said.

Conrad ran to find Dr. Bell. He knew he would be still at the Fundraiser, He had to hurry. When he finally spotted him he grabbed him and pulled him aside.

"What the Hell Conrad!" Dr.Bell snapped

"Why did you call Liberty Memorial. We have VIP patient here they are trying to take." Conrad said

Bell was shocked, "I hope you put her on the 16th floor. I'll be up there in a little while." 

"First of all, you already met her. She needs a shower. Second of all,please call those people off. If  we are going to take care of her." Conrad said

Bell nodded his head and followed him.......

~One hour later~

Sarah's parents came in trying to take her back to the Africa,but Nic reassured them that Chastain has the best doctors and can figure out what is wrong with their daughter.

"We know what is wrong with her,she has schizophrenia.  We had her checked by the world best doctor. We just want to take her home." Her father said

Conrad looked at them. "I am pretty sure she doesn't have schizophrenia. Please let us figure out what is wrong. She has a ear infection and a urine track infection. So give us an hour,and if we don't get get the answer by an hour you can have her back. But not til then."

"Fine." Her mother said.

Conrad and Nic go back to Sarah's room and her vitals were dropping,her urine was blood. They thought maybe leches. So they look every where and finally found one. As the hours past they gave her antibiotics and then she woke up fine. Her parents ran to her happy to see her happy, then she freaked out.

"No I won' go. Someone Help me. Please!" Sarah cried.

Nic and Conrad ran in.

'"Sarah. It's okay. You're okay,please calm down."  Nic said

"They think I'm crazy. They want to take me away." Sarah said

"No we won't honey we were wrong. We are so very sorry." Her mother said

Sarah looked at her parents then hugged them. "It's okay mom."

Nic smiled, she and Conrad started to walk out,but were stopped.

"Nurse Nic, Doctor Hawkins,Thank you." Sarah said

"No problem, but I want a pass to your next Art show." Nic said

"I'll do better than that. I'll paint a picture for you." she said.

"That would be great." Nic said walking out with Conrad. Conrad smiled at Sarah and her family. When they outside the door Bell was standing there looking in.

"I think you can ask how much they want to give you." Conrad said

"It's not always about the money." He paused. "I'll wait a few days."

"A few days?" Nic said

"He'll be back before lunch." Conrad said before he walked off. Nic walked after him and smiled to herself.

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