GoodBye Lily

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Another day at Chastian Park Memorial Hospital and like always it was busy.  Conrad and Nic were taking a break in the break room and they were all over each other. Devon laughed when he walked in, Conrad looked at him and gave him a smile.  

"Hey there Harvard, what are you doing in here?" Conrad asked.

"I need your help, Lily is back and she is asking for you." Devon said getting serious.

Conrad nodded and followed Devon,but stopped when he seen Nic just standing there.

"You coming Nic?" Conrad asked

"I can't I'm off her case remember.  Lane figured out I was snooping into her offices and took me off. But I'll come to ease her mind." 

Conrad nodded and started walking out the room. When he saw Lily he gave her a small smile. 

"Hi lily, What is going on today?" He asked her.

Lily coughed, "The chemo was so strong this time.  I don't know what to do. It's killing me." 

"Have you got a second opinion on this, like seen another doctor." Nic said

"No, I haven't but I think I should. Dr. Hunter  tried to kill me by trying to do a bone transplant."  Lily said still coughing.

"I know a great Cancer doctor,I will email her now and see if she can squeeze you in today." Nic said pulling out her phone and emailing the doctor.

------------------Four hours later----------------

" Dr.Conrad Hawkins and Dr.Devon Pravesh  we need you down in the ER now!" The women said over the intercom.  

Conrad and Devon looked at each other then ran.  When they got there, they saw Lily laying on a gurney pale and sweaty. 

"What happen?" Devon asked

"We got a call saying a girl collapsed at a mall, we were lucky that someone caught her." The EMT said

Conrad started pushing more fluids on her and requested test to be ran. Devon search in Lily's records trying to see what else to do,Nic helped. Lane Hunter came down and seen lily. Only Nic noticed and she knew if she would say a word she could possibly get in trouble so she kept her mouth shut.

Once lily was admitted and sent to the floor,she was doing a little better, Nic came in a couple times and checked on her. Right before Lily went to the floor Lane had asked Nic to come back on Lily's case. Although she was sceptical she said yes. 

"Oh Nic before you leave tonight can you give Lily the potassium I requested. " Lane said

"Sure thing, I will." She said with a sneer. 

Lane gave her a look and then left.  Nic came into lily's room and hung up the bag smiling at her. Lily was sleeping. Once she was done,she grabbed her stuff and walked out. Lane walked into Lily's room and messed with the bag.  Soon after monitors started beeping and Conrad was still on the floor. He ran into Lily's room where the beeping was and she was on the ground. Conrad picked her up and she was talking to him softly.

I'm dying, it's okay, I'm dying. Let me, it's okay." She kept saying as she closed her eyes.

Conrad kept asking her to open them, to wake up but it was to late. She was gone, but he was ready for that. He started CPR and other nurses and doctors were in the room.  After twenty minutes of him doing everything he could he finally called the time.  He dropped to the ground crying and shaking. He couldn't believe she was gone.  

--------The next day-------

Conrad ran to work and with earbuds in and was trying not to focus on what happened the day before.  As he was running he ran into someone on a bike. Both of them hit the ground.

"Sorry," Conrad said

"Watch where you're going next time." The man said

Conrad shook his head trying to remember what he was doing and started running again. His sprained his ankle and he had blood all over him from the fall.  When he got the Chastian a co-worker came up to him.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"Nothing I fell,don't worry about it." He snapped.

"Well at least let me run some test." 

"I said I'm fine." He snapped again and limped off. Devon seen him and said the same thing.  Conrad shook his head and complained.  Nic was upstairs in the room where Lily was, Conrad and Devon came in.

"I can't believe this happened, she was fine when I left." Nic said with tears streaming down her face.

"It couldn't have help her heart stopped." Conrad said,He walked out and took lily's name off the door. Limping he cursed all the way back to other rooms. Nic seen him and then she looked down. 

"He blames himself,so he is punishing himself. He won't stop walking on it until it snaps." Devon told her. 

Conrad did his rounds but images of Lily ran through his mind and now it seems like she was standing in front of him. He knew it was a possibility that she was hunting him because he didn't try hard enough. He buried his face in his hands.


I'm sorry for the lateness of the chapter...Hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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