Pilot - Day 1

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"Tae...come on. Just please one second?...Shhhhh", Jimin whined with furrowed eyebrows, putting his index finger on his lips. Taehyung was taken aback by his demand, but he could imagine Jimin feeling tired as hell since the group spent the whole day in a closed room, muggy air, loud music blasting, practising several choreographies over and over again for their upcoming performances. In total they had four short breaks for some small, sparse snacks within a training session of almost ten hours.

Well, everyone in group but Taehyung. It was already in the morning when he had hurt his ankle the first time this day when he accidentally had knocked over a pot of hot tea during breakfast and hurridly tried to grab a hold of it before the hot liquid could spill over the table. But while doing so, he had automatically streched out his leg and hit the table-leg. Shocked by the sudden pain running through his foot up to his core, the tea had swashed all over Yoongi's belly and lap, burning his pale skin through the thin layers of fabric he was wearing. Everyone had been surprised, not able to act in time. Taehyung's first instinct had been to ignore his pain and look out for his hyung, who had sprung up from his seat to take off his shirt and let the - by comparison - cold air hit his already reddening skin. He had hissed in pain and cursed the younger under his breath. The latter had apologized several times, asking whether he could bring him something to soothe the injury. Different from what he expected, everbody except for Yoongi had answered, telling him to just sit back down and stay still. Namjoon, who had sat next to Yoongi, had gotten up, too, to go along with him to the kitchen sink and put a cold cloth on the burnings. Jin had also followed, but on the other hand to get something to mop up the tea and clean everything that also had gotten something from the incident. Taehyung had felt sorry for the whole situation, feeling the glares of the other members sitting with him. Looking down, trying to set a sign of his own frustration, he had remembered his foot. Quietly hissing, he had taken a closer look but gladly without spotting a really bad injury besides the pain in his skin which had already been declining.

From then on, he could sense a tension among the group, but more like directed against him alone. Although he couldn't really understand why every member was salty when it was just Yoongi who had been affected, he just had kept more quiet to prevent arguments.

There were many things Taehyung could deal with like a tight schedule or pressure from their manager but arguments and fights within their band have always been issues he would rather like to avoid or speak out before it coud get worse.

Arriving at their studio all of them had changed into some lighter clothings since they had expected their choreographer to not go easy on them today. But already during warming up a little and streching their mood had lifted again and everyone had been joking around with each other.

Firstly they had focused on single moves or short combination of two or three to get smoother transitons before they had done the whole dance. Everyone had been concentrated on their movements combined with their facial expression. Taehyung meanwhile had been more likely to already planning on how to act during their performance in front of their Armys, trying out how a lip bite or a wink would match or not.

It had been what seemed like the twentieth time they did Blood, Sweat and Tears when Taehyung had twisted his ankle, the same he had hurt in the morning, by somehow making a mistake before the spinning jump and trying to dub it but ending up hitting the ground unstable. This time it had hurt worse, probably due to a suddenly overstretched tendon. He had groaned loudly but only once to let out the pain and had gone on dancing. The first one to react had been their choreographer who had come closer when Taehyung had been standing in the front with Yoongi's surprisingly firm grip on his neck and Hoseok to his left and had asked him what had happened from the shorter distance. Taehyung had just slightly shook his head while sinking to his knees slowly, signaling he's okay. Although during the rest of the dance the others could see his somewhat pained expression of tightly shut eyes or a tensed jaw when they had turned or twisted their legs.

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