To be or to not be | Day 2

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Now Taehyung knew what he had forgotten: a cap, a mask and sunglasses. He was lucky no one recognized him on his way to the BigHit building, well, there weren't many people either. He kept his head down and tried to avoid everybody but without making it look like he tried to flee from something.

When he arrived he waited in the lobby at first. To get himself togehter and to think about what exactly he would tell Bang PD-nim and how he could put it into words without seeming like he's really going crazy.

But aren't you?

After a minute of trying to concentrate he truly couldn't tell if that thought came from him or the voice. But did it matter by now? Not really, he had to admit.

"Oh, hello Taehyung-oppa! What brings you here all alone?", Min-Jee greeted as she walked by. She was one of the secretaries, a newer one, maybe a few months, but she did a really good job. And she was a very nice person. Intelligent, funny and most of all genuine.

And she had a beautiful face, too. Glowing caramel skin framed by chocolaty brown, thick natural waves that casted a soft shadow on her face and brought her cheek bones out perfectely. Her round bambie-eyes did nothing but just fit in like god himself put them there.

She was really handsome, no doubt.

Maybe after the talk he could treat her to drink a cup of tea or something. There's a nice and cozzy café down the next street around the corner. Not more than a two-minute-walk.

"Oh, hi Jee-noona", he answered and smiled at her. "I'm just waiting for manager-nim. Do you know where he's at right now?", he continued more or less actually interessted in the answer. "Oh? Right now? He should be in his office. As far as I know there weren't any meetings today. Do you want me to call him and send you to him?", she asked and pointed behind her where her desk was.

Would that be a good idea? Was it for the better or worse? Maybe just to be sure if PD-nim really had a second to chat. Otherwise Taehyung would just disturb his manager's plans or even his free time.

"Yeah, if you could do that for me, I'd be really thankful, noona", he told her with a quiet voice, as if it could offend other people that weren't attendant if he spoke too loud.

"Sure, no problem, Hyung-ie", she smiled back as she called him by a nickname.

She went back to her desk that stood on the left wall to the entry of the building, across from several seats on the right side for clients to sit down if they had to wait. She sat down on her office chair and pressed a button on her telephone before she mumble something into the speaker, obviously talking to the manager. Just a second later she looked up again at the male in one of the armchairs and told him he could just go up to Si-hyuk's office.

He thanked her briefly but not without a further smile. Although this it wasn't the realest one, if she noticed it?

When he was in the elevator he hesitated to push any of the buttons but the one to close the doors. He still could back out but Min-Jee already called PD-nim and now he was waiting for him.

Pretty weak to cop out at the last minute, was the next thought on his mind.

Kinda. Regarding that it's just to get rid of yo- it!

He firstly whispered in a sassy voice but immediately corrected himself. He would not talk about a voice inside his head while adressing it like it's another living being, let alone an individual person.

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