Demon possessing - Day 2

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It was already noon and Jin asked in their BTS group chat for wishes relating to their lunch, because he wouldn't want to get up and walk around the whole apartment. All of them replied and agreed for Bibimbap, it's easily and fast cooked with low effort while it still satisfied everyone's hunger. Everyone answered except for Taehyung, he texted Jin in their private chat that he wouldn't be home for lunch.

He was still in the practise room, analysing and imprinting every movement he saw on the videos of Jimin and Hoseok dancing their latest choreography and tried to copy them one-to-one as he meticulously observed his own motions in the mirror.

"It looks nothing alike!", he whined angrily, absolutely not satisfied with himself. Of course it doesn't, they are dancers who take their part seriously and put effort in their profession. You're a singer, you should just stand in the corner and stay still.

Well, hello again, Taehyung rolled his eyes at his own thoughts. No!, this wasn't his own mind, this was something else in his head. A demon possessing him from time to time. But Taehyung stayed positive, he wouldn't say such things. "Yeah for sure. Now leave me alone again", he spoke out loud, convinced that it would bring him back to reality and remind him of what a real voice would sound like.

But it is real, too, just because no one else could hear it didn't mean Taehyung was hallucinating about it. This time it started even softly, in comparison even kindly. It didn't just describe everything as trash and useless and a waste of time or such. It discussed with Taehyung and held a conversation with him. It definitely was somewhat passive-agressive but it had been worse at times.

Just go on and watch yourself fail, do it, it laughed and Taehyung felt a stress of competition rising in his mind. He got angry and annoyed with the voice - Now you can understand the others, don't you?

"Ugh, stop it already!", he sighed out loud and turned the music on again, louder this time and went back to practising.

Back in the dorm it was quiet. Namjoon really managed to sleep another two hours but stayed in his bed until Jin called everyone to the dining area. Jungkook asked Jin if he could take Yoongi's and his portions to the older's lab, but Yoongi was the one who denied.

"No eating in this room, I'm gonna kill you", he threatened in a low and husky voice that made the maknae shiver. He just nodded with wide eyes and lowkey fled to Seokjin's motherly protecting presence. Hoseok was the one who cheered them up and was in charge of conversation but he kept it down.

Jimin has been by Jin's side almost the whole time and helped him prepare the food and their tableware. They talked about a lot, like interviews which were funny or memes they saw of themselves but they avoided the topic 'Taehyung' as if it meant their deaths. Also Yoongi and Jungkook forgot about him during their time together which has literally not been declining over the last week.

The exact opposite was the case, they've spent more and more time together than with any other member. It was just short moments when Jungkook missed his elder's arms around his body or when Yoongi felt low-key jealous when the younger one laid between two other members like Hoseok and Namjoon.

Hoseok spent his free time until lunch with compiling choreographies for their or his own music since he had shootings for two of his own songs coming up soon. His thoughts were also freed from their cheerful somewhat over-hyped member.

"Where's Taehyung this time?", Namjoon asked somehow upset and asked himself if he would always have to look out for that kid. "He's not here, Joon-ie. He went to the studio to practise there and he texted me he wouldn't be home for lunch. Didn't you listen to him at breakfast?", Jin explained with a strict voice. "Um, no? Do you really expect me to listen to him all the time when it's just nonesense coming out of his mouth anyway?", the leader sassed back to which their maknae snickered quietly. "Oh, come on", Jimin exclaimed frustrated. "Don't you start it as Yoongi-hyung", he almost pleaded. "Go back to sleep, Namjoon", Jin muttered, also not too impressed by the comment given.

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