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JIhyo: Y'all ready for the party?

Momo: yeah

Jihyo put her phone down, applying her bb cream papapa. after checking her lipsticku mamama she opened the door, just to find Sana, trying to make out with a wall. JIhyo shrugged since it was an everyday sight and got used to it pretty quick. Momo and mina were making some cookies, so bitch decided to go and try one.

"Hoes what does it contain am I guaranteed to survive after eating this? Jihyo asked, better safe than sorry!

"Just love, straight from our heart." answered Momo.

Jihyo glanced at Mina who was washing the dishes whilst lisening to some music. " what a sexy bitch" thought Jihyo so she decided not to bother Mina and decided to trust Momo

She examined the cookie carefully and admired its dark red colour, thinking it was food colouring, she took a bit of it. Jihyo immediatly felt sick.

" MOMO I TOLD YOU NOT TO GIVE UR COOKIES TO ANYONE, I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO STICK WITH THE PENGUIN ONES I MADE." Screamed Mina,looking at Jihyo as if a crime has just been commited.

"WHAT DID IT HAVE" asked Jihyo, vomiting everywhere which ruined her lipsticku mamama

"cow udders" answered Momo looking like an innocent shit


Jihyo's depression increased by %4 as she left the kitchen, only to find an emo bitch lying in the corner with a black book and a black pen.

"Chaeyoung? i told you to give up in your chronicle or however you call that shit" Said Jihyo worrying about her future.

" FUCK YOU ITS NOT A PHASE" shouted Chaeyoung leaving her book behind but she didnt notice as she was walking like a retarded donkey to her room.

Jihyo picked up her book and looked through some pages.

How to perform a Satanic Destruction Ritual

I've come to learn that rituals are treated very similarly to masturbation in society. It's something everyone does (whether they like to admit it or not), we're told to be ashamed of their practice, but they both make us feel good. Rituals are a very personal thing, and seldom understood writ large. If you're out with people and you tell them you did a ritual earlier that day, odds are you'll be met with the same response as if you told them you jerked off that morning.

Mere mention of the word generally conjures images of occult symbols painted on the walls of decrepit basements, animal sacrifice, and strange chanting that reverberates off the walls of horror film scenery and news headlines to assault the American imagination. However, rituals are a universal feature of human cognitive function and social structure. It's time we reevaluate what the meaning of a ritual is, and recognize the potential (dare I say) benefits of doing such things - specifically here the Destruction Ritual.

Rituals have a strange role in my life. Coming from an academic background in anthropology, the anthropological definition is ingrained in my mind

Jihyo immediately closed the book and stared at the wall Sana's been making out with.Jihyo's depression increased by %6 just by reading that satanic shit so she decided to burn the book, later.

As Jihyo entered the toilet to pee she coudn't help but notice Nayeon having a mental breakdown

Jihyo spat at Nayeon and walked away, as Nayeon didn't deserve her love.

She decided to watch tv before the party began so she went to the living room, only to find Tzuyu, Dahyun,Jeongyeon and Sana watching their gay shit.

Jihyo joined them. Chaeyoung entered the room wearing her cheap clothes and sat down away from society. i'll spank her, thought Jihyo as she stared at the tv screen.


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