Chapter Two

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Skipping down the sidewalk, Lucifer whistled to a song as he continued to get more and more used to his vessel. A giddy feeling fluttered in his heart while he continued to get closer and closer to the home of his human. He could feel excitement, he could feel anxiousness. But most of all, he felt nervous.

He approached the house and just about stepped foot in the yard, but froze. In the driveway was that dreadful 67 Impala, which meant Dean was definitely home right now.

The devil lingered in the sidewalk, glaring at the Impala as if the car itself wronged him. The fact that Dean was home was a problem. He had for sure ruined Lucifer's plans on meeting Sam.

He let out a heavy sigh. He would have to work his way around this. So, cloaking his visibility, he teleported himself with a swift swoof of a wing flap.

"I can take care of myself, Dean."

"Oh? And what makes you think that, that you're some big and tall weirdo?"


"I don't want to hear it."

There was one less person in the room then. Dean stormed off, leaving Sam somewhat alone.

Lucifer frowned, his eyes focused on the direction Dean had left. He leaves Sam alone for just half an hour, and Dean is already causing a scene. Probably side effects of him being rejected by some girl at the bar.

“He's distressed of Sam's behaviour. In case you're wondering,” came a mildly scruff voice to Lucifer's right.

“Castiel,” stated Lucifer. “Haven't seen you all day. Busy pleasing your roach?” he said before turning his eyes to said angel, a smug smirk to his lips.

Castiel narrowed his eyes, lips curling into a frown before lifting his chin. “The actions I partake in ensuring Dean is well does not concern you.”

Lucifer snickered as he turned his head away. “Yeah, great job so far. He seems peachy,” he said. “Why aren't you performing your angelically pleasing duties now, then? I mean, I'm flattered you stopped by for a chat and all...”

“I'm about to do so.”

“Then why the hesitation?”

“Because you're in need of advice.”

Lucifer's eyes turned back to Castiel. “Yeah...? What makes you think so?”

“You've obtained a vessel,” Castiel pointed out, “For the purpose of approaching Sam, yes?”

“Oh, no, I was thinking about performing genocide.” Lucifer held a playful look in his eyes, but could tell Castiel wasn't having any of it when noticing his expression turned more warning. He rolled his eyes with a scoff. “I was kidding, geez.”

Castiel was hesitant before he spoke again. “Sam is stubborn, as you know. But in this current moment, he is fragile. From the little observations I've made, Sam needs you more than all else. Which is why you must be careful of your actions. Watch what you do. Watch what you say, how you say it, and when. The future of your relationship with him as his guardian angel depends on it.”

Lucifer glanced at Cass before he only nodded his head lightly. He didn't say it out loud, but he'd thanked him. And so, with that, Castiel vanished.

Lucifer looked over at Sam, who was still standing in the same spot as before, head hanging and fists clenched. He shook his head, then turned around and walked out of the house. That brought a small smile to the devil's face. Perhaps his plans would work out after all.

So, Lucifer followed Sam out the door.

His sense of nervousness would convince anyone that he was human. Needless to say, the devil himself was fiddling with his fingers while deciding a precise moment to allow visibility.

Satan is My Guardian Angel {Samifer}Where stories live. Discover now