Chapter Five

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The two of them had headed to the closest café in the area. It wasn't that of typical atmosphere, though. It was extremely unpopulated and quite small. The only people that were there when the two of them had arrived was the barista and a single old woman. Her attire made her seem as if she was someone still mentally trapped in the 40's.

As they took their seat, Sam looked with wary eyes to the others there. “Can they... Can they see you? I don't want to seem like a crazy person talking to empty space,” he asked Lucifer, eyes turning to him with the lingering wary expression.

Lucifer groaned and rolled his eyes rather excessively, leaning his head back to exaggerate his honest annoyance. “Sam, you need to stop being so jumpy, pal.” He looked to him, the inner parts of his brows turned up as if he'd been portraying worry. “Look, you and I will discuss this when we get back to the park where our conversation isn't so clearly heard. For now, let's just get you some food, okay?”

Sam was hesitant to respond. He felt like he was being scolded, although he knew Lucifer was just trying to help. He didn't find the point of it, though. Maybe he's just a little self conscious, but he's not obsessive of what others think of him, is he? No, it doesn't sound right.

Nonetheless, Sam sighed and nodded his head. “Yeah, okay. You didn't answer my question, though.”

Lucifer gave a small smile. “Of course they can see me, Sam. You calling me by my name is crazy enough to them, so I wouldn't want you looking like some sort of schizophrenic or some other sort of crazy to those other people.”

Sam had then let out a bit of a laugh, attempting sight at the humour of other people's confusion of him talking to an empty space and calling them by ‘Lucifer’.

“Go on up to the counter and get yourself some food, now,” Lucifer finalised, and Sam only nodded before standing from his seat.

He made way to the counter to confront the barista. Before he would start a conversation, he looked to the list of food and drink options on a board behind him. Of course, there were options of pastries, coffee types, etc. It just seemed like a selection of breakfasts for people with an immense sweet tooth. But, there was the choice of some simple grilled cheese sandwiches.

The barista was reading through some magazine, eating one of the pastries himself. Though, he didn't seem to be paying attention to the fact that Sam had approached the counter, so he had to get his attention by clearing his throat.

Setting aside the magazine, the barista was quite quick to respond. “Yes, how may I help you?”

“Um, yeah, a serving of grilled cheese sandwiches and one of the pumpkin spice lattes. Please and thank you,” Sam said with a small smile to portray some kindness.

“Alrighty, then. Extra crème? How sweet? Like me to throw in a peppermint or something?” the barista questioned, leaning against the counter.

“No, I'm not big on the sweets. Just a simple latte will do. Thanks.” The barista nodded his head.

As Sam was paying for the food and drink and the barista went to get everything served up, Lucifer was seated in his spot, folding a napkin into a simple origami swan.

While he seemed to be minding his own business, he did keep an ear out on the exchange of words between Sam and the barista. It was a habit; to ensure nothing harmful is said, to see if the guy is being a douche, etc. He even tapped in the guy's mind to manipulate him into literally charging only a dollar for everything. He knew Sam was short on money.

By the time Sam returned, Lucifer had completed six little swans.

The Winchester had sat down with his latte and sandwiches with a laugh at the little origami animals. “You are just seeming more and more childish the more I get to know you,” he said with a shake of his head, yet a bright smile still present on his face.

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