Dribble-drabble #2

7 2 0

Done on the same day as the last. These two drabbles may or may not be related ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


'What do you see?'

"Light. Blurred shapes and colours."

'What do you hear?'

"I hear... I hear a voice, and... and it comforts me?"

'What do you smell?'

"I smell comfort. I smell safety. I smell familiarity."

'What do you taste?'


'What do you touch?'

"A breeze over my face; security cradling my whole; a pressure, reassuring, against my stomach; skin against my cheeks."

'What do you feel?'



'What can you see?'


'What can you hear?'

"Me. You. Emptiness."

'What can you smell?'


'What can you taste?'


'What can you feel?'

"Restraints. Prison. Bondage. Danger!"

'How do you feel?'






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