A high-speed chase

15 4 4

The prompt for this is stated above :p Limit was 500 words. I couldn't really be bothered coming up with a proper title c': Any suggestions welcome! cx

The world passed by in a dizzying flash beneath his feet as he hurtled forward with every fiber of his being. His muscles burned and his head spun, but he refused to give in.

The tables had turned! The black figure that haunted his every waking moment fled in speechless terror only inches ahead, and he would not let it escape again! Countless times had it caught him by surprise, unaware and unprepared, in the past, but never again.

He ran, ran with the wind in his face and a fever in his bones — but to no avail. It almost seemed able to read his mind, darting away and keeping just a hairsbreadth out of reach no matter how hard he strained to ensnare it. But still, it couldn't lose him.

The phantom darted left suddenly, catching him off-guard as it disappeared round a bend. Desperately he staggered after, just barely missing the side of a building, and forced his burning thighs to greater effort.


Suddenly it seemed in reach; his eyes widened, and he lunged forward...

...and missed! The phantom whisked away, once again unharmed.

With a despairing howl he whirled to follow his tormentor — then came to an abrupt halt, bristling in an alarm that quickly eased as he recognised the hand against his shoulder. Taking advantage of his distraction, the spectre vanished.

"Hey, buddy — whaddaya doin' chasin' your tail, silly boy?" His human's voice flooded with affection, and her nose crinkled in the way he loved best, but there was no time to play. 

Whining apologetically he raised his nose, scenting the air, but his nemesis was again undetectable.

Of course.

With a short, soft sigh he lay down to rest; he was exhausted, so there was no point in attempting a second confrontation. But tomorrow? Oh, tomorrow he would teach it who was boss.

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