Chapter 1

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The man struggled to take off her shirt as he packed himself into her mouth. Surely, any girl would shout for help, but not her. She had been through this many times.

The routine was simple, really. All she had to do is lay there, occasionally let fake pleasurable noises escape her dry and lifeless lips. Nothing much right? It's not like she wanted to do this, she had to.

"Moan for me, I ain't paying you for nothing" the man spat as he pushed his hand down her pants.

She allowed a false Yelp to escape her mouth, followed by a couple of moans. Now for the part she dreaded the worst. The man quickly unbuckled his pants and dropped his clothes. He began to undress her as she struggled to look pleased.

Before any more clothing could be removed, a loud plead for help interrupted their..... Relations.

"Help! My wife has been wounded by a hooded man! Someone! Please help!"
A middle aged man shouted. The girl popped her head out from the side of the dark alley, her eyes widened in horror as she saw a old pleading man holding the corps of his dead lover.

"Hey bitch!" Her sight was blocked momentarily as her head was shoved back against the brick wall. "Fuck them, here, it's about me right now"
She looked down and frowned. She was scared, she had finnaly snapped from her dead trance. "N-No, we have to help that poor man, I don't want to do this" she looked up at the man, pleadingly. He was not faced, only the smell of smoke elevated from his presence. It was now that she'd began to be more aware of her surroundings. It's almost as if she had woken up from a long sleep. After the long wait, the man chuckled. "No, I payed to much money for you to pussy out." He was just about to get a hold then f her hair, until his hand stiffed mid way. As the man looked down, she followed his gaze. But there was nothing to the view, just his nood body out for the world to see. It was at this moment when a red substance dripped down his mouth.

Holy fuck

And then THUD!
the man fell to the ground.
Her eyes followed him, it became apparent to her, a bloody wound layed there on mid back.

She looked up to see a darkened figure before her presence. "Please, take my money, just dont do such as this man would of!" She begged. Her heart started racing and her breathing be rapids. She was scared, no, frightened. Although this darkened man had saved her from a night of horror, he himself was a horror too.

"Don't worry" the figure answered. The darkened figure bent down to pic up a certain article of clothing. A top. He handed it back but she had noticed something else. She looked down onto the man's pale hand. It wasn't a regular pale. It seemed paper white. It looked smooth, almost leathery maybe. She hessitanly took the shirt from his hand and slid it on.

"Thank you sir."

"Please, call me Jeff"

At that, his dark aura left her presence. And she was left alone in the dark.

She kneeled down and felt the ground for the dead mans wallet.


She brought the wallet towards her pocket. Now what. She looked back In search for the strange man. Her heart was still racing, and she could hear a couple of coins jingle in the wallet. Was she shaking too? The female looked up at the dark night sky. She couldn't return home. She wasn't going to her friends, they wouldn't understand. All she had was a twenty in the wallet. She looked back down as she continued to emotionlessly scan the empty alley.

What a fucking adventure.

A tear trickled down her cheeks. Was she crying? She had cried before, but this felt different. She looked back at the corpse.
She had been saved by a murderer. She had escaped the night of horror that was to come.

She had her life back. She could do all the kids her age where lucky enough to have. She was only, what? 17. She had lost track.


It was morning, and the young lady had just wasted her money on some fast food.
It was breezee today, and her dark long hair blew like a flag. She sat on a bench near a park. She rarely saw anyone, when people did pass, they would usually be surrounded by technology. Kids with iPads, babies with electrical toys, the ones that annoyed the life out of one. Parents with phones as they made important calls. Teens with headphones and iPods, and occasionally some business men with laptops.
They wouldn't notice her there. That's good.
She looked around and took in some fresh air.

She looked back to the child's area, where layed only two swings and a slide, there she saw two little kids. Around the ages of 6-8. The little boy pushed the girl on the swing, cheering.

That brought her back to the memories of her younger years.

"Grace!" She looked back at the small 8 year old. "Yes Jeffrey?" She answered. "I-i have to ask you something" the boy struggled to say.
They both sat on the grassy ground of the park "Ask away" Grace responded, fidgeting with the wild flowers. She looked deep into Jeffreys icy blue eyes patiently. He did nothing.
"Never mind, I'm playing with Liu." She scoffed. "NO" Jeffrey held her wrist. "Why?" She asked. "Because you're playing with me" she looked at the boy and spotted tint of red dispersed across his face. "D-do you like anyone?" The 8 year old asked. Grace thought about this. Jeffrey is the only one, and also his brother. She hated everyone else. "Yes Jeff, I like you, and Liu. Oh! And cookies!" She giggled, Jeffrey joined in, but became serious after a while. He stared at her brown and green eyes. "But, like, like like, someone." She answered. "Jeffrey, youre my only friend, so I guess you".
He smiled. "Will you marry me when we're older? Like my mom and dads age?" Jeffrey asked politely. Graced smiled. "Yes" they hugged and giggles escaped their lips. They wouldn't stop holding hands for the rest of the day.

Grace smiled at the memory. She chuckled at the silly oath her and her friend made.

If only life was easy like the younger days

Tears, followed by sobs escaped her. She missed him. She missed Jeffrey.
looking back up towards the children, they where gone. It wasn't morning anymore, and her stomach grumbled.


She cupped her stomach with her hands and bowed her head. she was starving.
"Hello-" she looked up and saw a familiar man. She almost fell from the bench.

She watched in horror as the man lowered his hood. She almost shouted at his sight. She wasn't grossed out, just scared. A murderous man had just revealed himself, only to reveal a smiling horror. His skin- as described as before- was pale. His eyes was surrounded by a black colored ash. And he also revealed sccared cheeks.
"J-jeff." She paused. "Right?".
The man nodded.
She calmed down a bit and smiled.
"What's so funny?" He asked as he sat beside Grace
"Oh, s-sorry" she gulped "It's just that, I had a friend named Jeff, well, Jeffrey. But he moved away at 13."

The black haired man looked shoked.
She looked back to his eyes.
"Jeffrey." She coughed out a sob.


Behind The Carved Smile(COMPLETED)Jeff The Killer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now