chapter 6

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Her hands where shaking. The tears blocking the view of Jeff, but when her sight came back to focus, she gasped at the view.

He was covered in blood.

He began laughing before barley choking out "run". Grace didn't understand for a moment, and Jeff seemed to grow impacient "RUN DAMMIT"  he laughed out again, a little angrier now, pulling out his knife. Grace jumped up and backed up.

She couldn't. Why?
She had nowhere to go. Run out to the woods and get murdered there instead? She noticed the look in his eyes, she wasn't retarded. He was blood thirsty, and now something else appeared, pain, regret?
But, it couldn't be, Jeff knew what he was doing.....right?

Her thoughts broke away as she hit the back wall with a loud THUMP!

Jeff began walking towards her with that same ominous grin. "I can't believe I let you live that long"
Jeff chanted out."I didn't even let Liu live this long"
He added, as if he just realized.

"Maybe I just wanted to play a little"

The small figure crouched a bit, sobbing.

She yelled. Jeff just smiled like an idiot. "I like it when my pray fights for their life"

No, she was to exhausted to run. She was sore all over. She just wanted to sleep, forever.

"Just kill me please,"

"Why that?"

"Nothing matters anymore"

That was the last thing Grace ever said. Looking into the eyes if his murderer and savior. His smile haunting her last moments.

"Sweet dreams my love"

Behind The Carved Smile(COMPLETED)Jeff The Killer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now