Supergirl AU

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I ship supercorp with my life, so I'm putting my 2 fave ships together, so Korra of course is Supergirl, Asami is Lena Luthor, she isn't trusted because of her family, only Korra a querky reported gets her, but Lena doesn't know that Korra is Supergirl, also Bolin is Korra's adoptive brother, and mako is mon-el

So here we go(I'm so excited to write this) 

Korra POV 

I walked around the DEO Impatient, nothing has happened in three full days,  

"Bo I'm so bored" I groan 

"Well why don't you go see your girlfriend Supergirl" Bolin  says continuing what he was doing 

"Asami isn't my girlfriend, she is just a good friend" I say blushing 

"It's funny how you assume I mean Asami and not another person" Bolin says with a smirk on his face 

"Hey guys" Mako says

My smile drops, since he came back with his wife my hole world fell apart, and he was at the centre of it, the new Villian Reign almost killed me, my friend Kuvira is going through a hard time  and I'm trying to deal with work as well 

"Hey Mako" Bolin says 

"So Korra, do you want to hang out" Mako asks 

"No sorry, and anyway don't you have a wife to be with" I say flying away 

I went back to my appartement and changed into some comfy clothes, I put my glasses on and I tie my short hair into a bun 

I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on 

Before I knew it I was crying, I couldn't hold them in anymore

The was a light knock on my door, I quickly dried my tears

I pull down my glasses slightly, my x-ray vision kicks in, 

"Asami what is she doing here" I mumble as I walk over to the door 

"Korra I'm so sorry" Asami says rushing in 

I close the door 

"What for"

Before I could finish Asami hugged me 

"Bolin told me that Mako was back, I brought noodles for my favourite reporter" she says lifting up a bag 

My eyes widen, I grab the bag and sit down at the table 

Asami sits opposite me

Her hair was tied up in a tight ponytail and she had a shirt with a short ish skirt, she looked hot, stop that Korra 

"You want some comfy clothes"  I offer my mouth full of food 

"I'm not going to intrude" she says offering a ghost of a smile 

"No please" I say getting up and I pick some clothes out of my wardrobe 

"Asami there are some clothes on my bed, you can change in my bathroom" I offer return to my food and Asami goes to change 

She comes back, oh wow, she suits her hair down and she is still hot

"Thank you" she says 

We both so go to my sofa 

"Can we cuddle" Asami asks bluntly 

My cheeks warm up 

"Yes, only of you want to, unless you don't want to" I stutter 

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