Ala (Prompt: Moral)

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"Did you leave your morals at home?" 

"Eh?" is all I could muster when she asked me this. "How can anyone leave morals at home or anywhere else for that matter?" 

"Don't act smart. If you are the living good-boy trope, interpret this message for me." She pulled her phone out and stuck it in front of my face, so close, my eyes were on either side of the phone's display. 

"You need to move it away from me if you expect me to read something and explain," I moved the phone away when she didn't care to respond.

I love her Ala. A screenshot that was cropped and then enlarged to the point it was grainy flashed in front of my eyes. I couldn't help but snort. 

"What's wrong with this? And why does this require me to leave something at home?" 

"Who is Ala?" 

"Eh?" I said for the second time. "Who? You should say what. Not who."

"And why should I? Why should I say whatever you want me to say?" 

"That's because I was speaking of your ala and how much I love it."

"And why isn't it about another girl? Why isn't Ala the name of a girl?"

"It isn't because it isn't. Tell me this," I said putting the phone away and holding her by the shoulders. "Does the statement read I-love-her, Ala or does it read I-love-her-Ala? Is there a comma or a full-stop?"

"No. There isn't a comma or a full-stop. It reads I-love-her-Ala."

"That's what it means then."

"But what is this ala?"

"The part of your nose that reddens up when you are angry. The cap that your nostril wears," I said, running a finger over her, well, ala. 

"So, it isn't a girl."


"And, you like my ala? Really?"

"Yeah. I could strum it like a guitar string all day." 

"But it will turn red."

"It's all the more beautiful that way."

"How do you know?"

"Sigh! It is as red as it can get right now. Wait it is calming down to a pink."

"Stop it."


"I really want to check if that's what an ala is."

"Why don't you also look up what a punctuation is?"

"Are you telling me I am dumb?"

"No. I am saying you're my magic pixie dream girl."

"That sounds cute."

Now that they've reconciled, let's get our alae out of their business, shall we? High time.

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