Hachhoo! (Prompt: Weather)

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The last time I felt normal around railings was when I was six, hanging from one while awaiting my turn to jump on a pile of sand. Sadly, before I could take my leap of faith, my grandfather came, grabbed me violently from behind and gave me such a sound thrashing, I fell ill and developed what I call railingophobia. 

Cut to today, I am twenty-four and have finally  resolved to get over my phobia. Why? A mere bloody stack of rods is likely to make me a lone wolf again... hachhoo! Sorry. I've been left high and dry in pouring rain. 

You see, my girlfriend loves going to the movies. Her penchant for movies made in Hollywood is unparalleled so much so, I wouldn't be surprised if she ever gets her own star on the walk of fame. And so, when the Titanic released, I instantly bought us tickets, hoping to win some brownie points. Armed with umbrellas, popcorn and coffee, we reached the theater sometime back and all was well until we got to the theater's first floor. 

'Ting,' the elevator doors opened and I froze. There, in front of me was the largest railing I had ever seen overlooking the lobby on the ground floor. My jaw dropped and my eyes froze in their sockets. It took a lot of cajoling from my girlfriend and the fact that the screen was in the diametrically opposite direction to move me. 

The darkness of the movie hall did me a world of good and we sat about gorging on popcorn and spooning between ads. She seemed relieved too. All I had to do while heading home was to close my eyes and trust her to her lead me into the elevator. I was done with railings for the day, or so I thought. 

The movie started, people milled about before getting on board The Titanic. The obscenely rich and the totally poor people played their parts in alternating sequences until the lead actors came together. It was so boring, I dozed off. I woke up when she dug her hand into mine as the lead actors - Jack and Rose - started walking on the deck. Just as she gripped my palm and turned in my direction, the two went further up. And finally when I could feel her breath, mine stopped and my jaw dropped and eyes froze for the second time. Jack and Rose were standing on the railing looking out into the endless sea. I withdrew my hand instinctively and bolted out. As if the railing on the ship wasn't enough to wreck me, I overran the elevator lobby and stood within an arm's distance from the theater's railing. I am sure my girlfriend would've been embarrassed when I yelled and ploughed into the elevator before screaming all the way out. Thankfully, she hadn't stepped out and was engrossed in the movie. Star-on-the-walk-of-fame-material, you see.

I only wish I had brought the umbrella with me. I am waiting for her to come out so I can leave without getting drenched. And I am hoping she doesn't get any ideas on dealing with sweethearts from the movie. So much for rainy, romantic evenings. Hachhoo! 

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