Chapter Two: The Backfiring Prank

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That night, Natalie was ready, her dress was pressed and her hair was curled, though no one other than her could see it until she undid the spell. The hall was bustling with activity as they ate, though the sun was going down and it was getting late, so soon everyone filled back to their cabin, too tired from today's activities to do much else.

Natalie ate her dinner with more speed than usual, partly excited partly nervous for what she and her three best friends were about to do. She had never tried this spell before, but hopefully, it would work. Especially if the Bia twins were there, which they were going to. Adrian and Teressa would not pass up a chance to humiliate their worst rival.

When the tent was almost empty, other than the few stragglers that wanted a chance to talk with each other, the four kids left one at a time, other than the Bia twins, who had to leave together. They met inside of the shack behind the Ares cabin, keeping their voices down as not to be discovered yet. "You ready for this?" Teressa asked, giddy with anticipation.

"Almost," whispered Natalie, "I'm sort of nervous it won't work. I've never done this spell before."

"Don't sweat it," insisted Adrian, "Teressa and I are here. We'll help ya."

"You ready for the spell?" asked Natalie, holding the book open in her hand and waiting for her friend to say yes.

"Almost," said Bea, holding up one finger. She brought her binoculars to her eyes, checking the surrounding area for campers. "He's not here yet," she whispered. Natalie noticed her friend looked uncharacteristically nervous, but the daughter of Hecate couldn't blame her; she was about to do something totally embarrassing and scary.

"So, what are we doing again?" Teressa asked, yawning tiredly. Adrian rolled his eyes and began to toy with the chain that connected the twins.

"Shh, he's coming out!" whispered Bea frantically, "Nat, get the spell ready."

"Okay, okay. Pretty Normal, Turn this member into the desired one! " Natalie said her words laced with magic and power. She closed her eyes as the spell took effect, when she opened her eyes, her skin was pale and almost looked as if it was made of porcelain.

She glanced out from behind the shed and her dark eyes widened. "It's him, oh gods," she whispered, ducking back behind the little building. Her cheeks, which had been pure white before, were now flushed with color. "He's so handsome," Natalie whispered to herself, "What if he sees me?"

"Ms. Sorana, what are you doing out so late?" Vegas asked, obviously seeing that it was his girlfriend as opposed to the daughter of Hecate.

"I-I came out to see you, m-my lo-love," Natalie stuttered out, trying to move with grace and poise that she did not possess.

"You seem nervous, dear," said Vegas, cocking his head, "Should I change into something a little less intense?"

"N-no, you're fine," said Natalie, "Your pajamas are...nice."

"They are?" the son of Ares looked down at his bright-red pajamas, obviously surprised.

"O-of course," the daughter of Hecate stuttered out, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her neck, someone kissed her cheek, she squeaked and turned to see who it was. "Jake?" she asked bewildered at what the man was doing.

"Hello my love," said the son of Aphrodite dreamily, "My, you look lovely tonight."

"Thanks, honey," said Bianca, "So do you. Vegas, this is Jake, Jacob, my other boyfriend."

Bea blinked rapidly. This wasn't supposed to happen! She exchanged a panicked glance with the Bia twins, her eyes wide. Adrian gave her a look that said, leave it, it's funnier this way, and Teressa winked as if to say, come on, play along!

Meanwhile, Natalie had attracted quite a crowd of people, she was beginning to look rather afraid. "Darling, you look radiant, why don't you come with me? It's only me in my cabin tonight," Percy said, his shoulder pressing too close to her for comfort.

"Uh," said Natalie, never having heard Percy say the word 'darling' in all her time at camp. It was starting to freak her out. But she went with the black-haired son of Poseidon anyway, inevitably attracted to him because of the spell.

Bea finally saw her friend's discomfort and decided since they had half of the camp there to watch, as well as Chiron, that it would be a good time to break the spell. " Words I have spoken, come undone!" The daughter of Aphrodite did not notice that as she spoke those words, Vegas who had fallen for the spell first, scooped the small, dark haired girl up into his arms and had kissed her, full and on the lips.

The spell broke. Surprised, Vegas dropped a suddenly gagging Natalie onto the grass. "Did I just do that?" he yelled, horrified, "Why did I just do that? You're not even my girlfriend!"

Natalie, knowing that she got in trouble, was fueled by the hurt and pain that the boys were feeling, "Sorry boys, but this is all my fault," Bea said, her hips swinging as she came out from behind the shed that they had been at. Natalie was glowing the power, knowing that she was soon going to get in trouble.

"What's going on here?" said Chiron loudly, "I want all campers back in bed, this is against the rules and I will have to punish these two young ladies severely for being out after hours!"

Adrian and Teressa were still behind the shed, waiting to get found out, though they were not as fueled by hate and anger as their two friends were. Natalie shouldered her jacket and took a deep breath, "I can take full blame for doing all of this," she said, rather cockily, feeling rather empowered at the moment.

"Well, you aren't with anyone else," said Chiron with a snort, "so of course, you'll be taking full blame. Come with me."

The girls looked at each other knowingly and followed the centaur, though Natalie was so built up by the power of the hate in her that she was walking on the air, almost so far that she was taller than Chiron. Bea on the other hand was just grinning from ear to ear as her sisters and brothers all stared at her with hatred.

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