Chapter Twelve: Pride and Anger

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Jeremy and Amanda had been walking for what felt like an eternity, though the son of Hecate could see water in the distance. "You never did tell me why you needed this Tarnkappe back," Jeremy pointed out, raising his eyebrows at the fae.

Amanda looked uncomfortable. "I don't like to talk about it," she whispered, "But for you I'll make an exception, since bargaining with Vladimir is dangerous work.

"The Tarnkappe is what controls all of my power. If someone has it then they can make me do anything that they want me to till they give it back. I'm just glad that he took it as a trophy. The freak," she swore in the language of the fae and the Brownie shivered, sensing just how strong she would be if she had the one piece of her clothing she truly needed.

"Um," he mumbled, "I'll think about it. In the meantime, why don't you order something? We can eat here and then figure something out."

"I thought I might find you here," a worn out voice spoke from behind them, Amanda jumped slightly and then walked away, not caring about the other fae. Jeremy turned on his heel and was surprised to see that Bianca was standing there, looking rather cross.

"Who are you consorting with, Jeremy?" the vampire princess said sharply, "Alps are not to be trusted."

Jeremy glared. "This one raised me, Bianca. I can trust her."

Bianca didn't seem to believe him. She crossed her arms, glaring back.

"You rejected me for being who I was, are you really going to reject this Alp, just because of their bad reputation? Are you really that biased? You know what, I was in love with you. I thought it was awesome when I found out that you were Fae, but now I have no idea how your people still love and adore you the way that they do. If you are just going to be rude to us the whole way through this quest with your wolf-slave over there, then I think we need to buy some duct tape."

Amanda's cheeks were a bright shade of grey when the brownie finished, she patted him on the shoulder and puffed her chest out like a proud mama.

Bianca, however, looked offended and shocked. "I... I'm not rude," she protested, but then changed the subject and said quietly, "You were in love with me?"

"Yes. I was. But you're insulting the woman that I called mother, and I think that you either need to stop or you need to stop," Jeremy said, memories rushing back to him and his head felt like it was going to burst.

Both Amanda and Bianca looked at him then, confused. "I need to stop or I need to stop? What's that supposed to mean?" Bianca asked, "Jeremy, are you okay? You look pale."

"I remember everything," he whispered, stumbling slightly before Amanda caught him, looking concerned for the Brownie that she had raised. He waved her off and then turned, grabbing her hand and dragging her in the proper direction. Their footsteps were heavy as they dragged themselves through the slightly muddy land.

Bianca stared after them, her ebony eyes swimming with unshed tears as she whispered, "You loved me."

But Jeremy and Amanda didn't look back as they traveled farther and farther away from the vampire princess.

"What was that all about, love?" Amanda asked as she looked over to the fae that she had raised.

"I don't care that she was insulting me but no one insults my mama," he said. His eyes angry as he remembered her harsh words.

Amanda blushed and smiled, hugging her adopted son. "You were so brave, dear," she said, "Thank you."

Jeremy hugged her back with a huge smile. "Well," he said, "You deserve to be respected."

"I wish that you had the childhood that you deserved," she said, caressing his blue tinted skin. He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes as her fingers ran along his cheekbone.

"You did the best you could, Mom," he said with a small smile. She smiled back at him, a proud smile covering her face as he reached up and kissed her cheek.

"Now, where are we going?" she asked, getting back to the mission, "after all, you have some sisters to save."

Jeremy thought for a moment. "Well," he said, "I did take that detour to the inn, but we're supposed to be heading for Egypt. Apparently the magicians have some kind of a cure for the Orange Cough."

"All right then," said Amanda, "We'd best either get going or go back to the inn for the night. It's getting rather late." she pointed to the sun, which was just starting to dip behind the mountains, turning the sky a brilliant red.

"Wait. What about you kappe?" Jeremy asked, looking at her with a deep confusion. She beamed for a moment before she looked down at the ground.

"I raised you so well. I think that saving your entire camp is just a little more important than saving me, I am ancient after all," the alp said, her grey skin stretching as she smiled at him. Her eyes were sad, but deep inside they both knew that she was right.

Bianca sat dejectedly on her throne, staring at nothing. Her dark eyes were glassy as she muttered to herself, her expression a mixture of depression and misery.

" What happened, Love ?" her fiance asked in their native tongue, as he entered the room. His black tail hung almost in between his legs and his ears were flat against his mane of hair.

"Nothing," Bianca said, perhaps too hastily, "I'm fine, dear. Don't worry."

Vladimir's eyes narrowed. It was obvious he didn't believe her. "I think I know when my mate is upset," he said.

She put her hands over her eyes and took a deep breath.

"It was Jeremy, okay?" she sighed, "He said he loved me, and then walked away. Not that I love him back," she added quickly as her fiance began to growl, "It's just, well, abrupt. I was shocked."

"Where is he? You said that you would bring him back to the safety of the castle," Vladimir said softly, taking her hand in his own. Her eyes fell and she looked up into the soft blue eyes that her fiance had. "He found his mother," he said, realizing what had been said through their mental link and answering his own question. She nodded and leaned into him, letting the heat of his body flow into her permanently cold one.

"I love you, dearest," Vladimir hissed, stroking his fiance's silky black hair, "You mean the world to me."

She looked up. "Where have you been, by the way?" she asked him, "You seem to be out of the palace a lot."

"Ah, that is something that I have been meaning to speak with you about for a long time," his words were forced and awkward, his eyes nervously darted around the room for a moment before he looked back at the vampiric Princess.

"What?" she asked quickly, fearing the worst.

"I have been lying to you, my Queen," he said, his words a hushed whisper.

She stared at him with those endless eyes. "About what?" she whispered, her face growing fearful.

Vladimir hung his wolfish head in shame. "I--I have been spying on you for Corteck, the king of the Worgs."

She stood up before turning to him, shimmering tears stinging the corners of her eyes as she stared. Under the betrayal and hatred in the obsidian black eyes, he cowered, refusing to look at his mate. "Get out," she whispered, her hands shaking with anger.

"What?" the werewolf asked in a small voice.

"GET OUT. NOW," she screamed, vampiric voice resonating through the castle and shattering several of the windows.

Vladimir whimpered, a very undignified sound, and hightailed it out of the gilded doors, dodging several large shards of glass on the way. Bianca was left alone in her palace, surrounded by glass and a dark aura of anger.

After a minute, her suddenly weak anger dissolved, and she collapsed to the floor, sobbing and desolate.

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