Chapter Twenty Two: The Tarnkappe

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Finally, they had reached a rather large building after having to walk through the small town. The Skinwalker's shoulder were tense as he took the form of one of the guards, as his mother had instructed him to do earlier.

Feeling a bit more secure now that he had a disguise, Jeremy relaxed a little, but not more than he could afford. He stayed watchful, looking for enemies and, most important, Amanda's tarnkappe.

He walked down one of the long, winding hallways that all castles seemed to possess. His boots echoed louder than he would have liked and the skin that he was wearing made him feel strange, as if wearing the skin of another Fae made him itch. He wriggled for a moment, which caused him to almost walk directly passed a large set of doors, that were intricately carved with images of Kings and Queens.

Jeremy took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves as he entered the throne room. Luckily for the young Skinwalker, nothing and no one inhabited the large stone room. Cubbies lines the walls, some held stolen artifacts while others just held piles of dust and debris. The Skinwalker scanned the walls again, searching for his mother's power item.

After almost ten minutes of searching, he finally caught sight of something that looked almost exactly like what his mother had told him about. He grabbed the hat off of the shelf and made way to the exit. He pulled his top lip into his mouth as he considered how easy it had been to take something so valuable.

"Where do you think you're going love?" a British voice purred into Jeremy's ear. The young boy shivered and hid the tarnkappe behind his back as he turned around. The woman was tall and wore her long black hair in a bun that took up the majority of the back of her head. The swirl of locks supported a golden and silver crown, the colors were intertwined to look like two snakes biting each other's tales. Memories flooded back to his head as he finally realised that this was someone very, very powerful. Not to mention the fact that she hated men.

"Aeval," Jeremy said with a small smile, looking the Fae Queen in the eyes.

She smiled back, though it was more like a snarl. "Where are you going with that tarnkappe, boy?" she said, "You seem to know my name; don't you know I don't allow males onto my property?"

He was unfazed. "Yeah, about that," he said, "I was given permission to come onto your property by a female, so..."

She really snarled this time. "That makes no difference!" she yelled at him, "How stupid are you?"

"Also, this is the Worg King's castle isn't it? How much money is he paying to have you here?" Jeremy questioned, slowly backing into the wall.

"He paid me quite a sum. He also does not keep succubus in his palace. Which pleases me," she purred with a bright smile as she pulled out a dagger. Jeremy pressed the cloth hat tighter into his hand as he scratched the skin he was wearing. The Fae Queen rose her dagger up to his throat, pressing it to his Adam's apple so hard the blood tainted the silver blade.

She brought her thin face up to his, murder in her deep blue eyes. "You still have not told me what you need that tarnkappe for. It took me a while to get that item. I will not let it go for no reason."

Jeremy gulped, his calm demeanor evaporating on the spot. "My... my mother... it's my mother's tarnkappe," he stammered.

"And you, will leave my little boy alone Queen Aeval," Amanda spoke from the Skinwalker that she had adopted as a little boy. Jeremy grinned like a fool and tossed the tarnkappe at his mother, allowing her to obtain all of her power. She grabbed her son and shoved them both into the shadows, before she teleported them in and out of the dreamworld.

When they finally arrived out of the Dreamworld, they were back in the hotel where they had left Bianca.

Jeremy surged forward, taking off all of his armor as he walked. He fell down next to the bed that held the unconscious vampire. His fingertips grazed across her skin, forcing an little burst of electricity to shoot through his body. He smiled, and leaned down to kiss the Queen on the forehead.

"I didn't expect you back so soon. It's only been three days," Nyamo gasped, springing off of the bed with a smile. "I watched her, nothing happened. Now I have to go find my wife," the Princess said before she rushed out of the small room.

"Are you ready to perform the exorcism?" Jeremy asked his mother, eager to finally have his crush back.

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