The Meeting

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Jimin calls a cab over and we climb in. He told me to go to the front seat next to the passenger, but I told him I'm not feeling it and climbed in behind. He said he would go in front then, and I nodded.
"So, Alice was it?" He begins frowning.
"Hey, yeah lol it is" I reply.
"How do you feel about meeting your new band mates?"
"How did you feel?"
"Obviously nervous and quite excited too. Oh and scared that they were gonna pick on my height."
"Then that's exactly what I feel. And lol just saying, even though the members don't pick on ur height, the ARMYs do. For example, probably ur biggest fan, and my best friend, still calls you Jiminie Pabo while doing a little hand gesture 👌🏻"
"Are you serious..."
"Do I look like I'm joking?" I stare into his eyes, until he turns back round.
"Oh. Well then that's sad."
"It is, but it doesn't mean she doesn't love you."
"Ohh, if ur best friend is an ARMY, are you one too?"
"Excuse me? Can you not see BTS written all over my wrist?" I show him my right forearm.
"Oh I see now, what about the other hand?"
"That's a secret."
"It has my Bias's name on it"
"Ohhh can I see?"
"Oh. Is it me...?"
"Jimin, no. If it was, I wouldn't have called my best friend your biggest fan. I'm apparently very protective when it comes to my Bias."
"Then who is it? I won't tell?"
I sigh and lift up my left sleeve to reveal the ink printed onto my skin, along a thin bone, fancily written "SUGA".
"Oh I see..."he paused, as if in thought, "does that mean you hate me for interrupting what ever u two were doing earlier?"
"No? We weren't doing anything, he was in the middle of asking me something but I forgot now"
"I should apologise to him, it might've been important"
"He has my number now it's fine, he would've texted me," just as I said that, my phone vibrates in my hand. "I wonder who it is, it's late in the Uk" I stare at the screen and see "OPPA", wow. I wonder who that is -_-
"Who is it?" Jimin curiously asks. I show him my phone, he smirks, "speak of the devil."
"What? Who do u think this is?"
"Suga, no?"
"It is, but I didn't note him down as Oppa, he did himself."
"Hmm, I wouldn't have know. But that's weird. Hyung has no girls in his contacts, and rarely gives his number out. Let alone allow someone to call him Oppa... he might like you"
"Yeah, friends, jokes. It's nothing I'm not used to."
"Hmm whatever you say, but you should expect something big. Or at least be aware of your surroundings, Suga is quite possessive too."
"It's nothing gosh." I sigh.


We arrive at big hit. It's almost happening.
Okay how many times have I said this before? - 'I don't know what I'm feeling'? I seriously mean it tho.... I'm excited. And-
No. I'm not gonna repeat everything Jimin just said. Try to remember geez.

Silence, not a word spoken as we enter the building, continue to the elevator, out the elevator, by the recording studio and back into our new choreography room. Bang Si-Hyuk was waiting there, and smiled as he saw me.
"Sorry for being late, we had a couple troubles and the traffic didn't make it easier," Jimin bows.
"I know," he calmly replied, "Suga called before hand and told me about it all"
I opened my eyes and slightly opened my mouth, astonished. Woah. Suga did that? Well I mean he was the cause but it's fine, one can't blame him.
"Annyeonghaseyo," I respectfully bow.
"Annyong Alice, sleep well?" He replied.
"Yeah I did, despite the pressure I felt, I was really exhausted so it was okay."
"Oh," he pauses and looks just above my head, "guys, you're just in time, I feel like she's just what you guys are missing."
I slowly turn behind me and start to bow without looking at those in front of me.
"Don't bow, we're the same age," a sweet male voice speaks. Not sweet as in tune, but feeling. His voice was rough, with a savage twist to it, not sure I've heard anything like it.
I look up and face the 6 unique figures in front of me. Each and every one of them seemed steady, some with broad shoulders. The guy who spoke smiled at me, I smiled back, staring at his brown hair, glistening in the lighting. He had a sloppy body, but I can't complain, I'm just as bad, and his hair colour was the exact shade as mine.
"Welcome to the group, Alice" another smile, this time coming from a taller member, with black hair.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Eyy Alice, I like you already!"another smile, this time, from a ginger dude, clearly not his real hair colour, "we'll take care of you." A warm smile spreading across his thin lips.
"I would do the same to you guys, if I could actually learn to take care of my fish first," I smile, they all chuckle.
"Oh, I'm gonna ask before they do," the first guy grabs my arm and tilts me to a side, dragging me, almost. "What ca-"
Interrupted, the tallest member talks, he wasn't that tall though. "Before you interrogate her, lets make it clear who we are and our roles." I smile and nod, agreeingly, "I'm the Group Leader. My name is Lee Hyun, I'm 19 years old."
The next member in row steps forward, "hi! I'm the oldest, more like I mum I suppose, I'm almost 20, my name is Kim Joon-seok" I smile and wave.
"Well I'm not gonna be the last to talk. Hi Alice, again, I'm the second youngest, since your a month younger than me hahahah, I'm Han Yi An, and you already know my age." He smiles. I whisper the number 15, he nods.
"Hey Alice, I'm Gong Tae-Kwang, 3rd oldest now, and I'm sure we're gonna be close friends," he winks. I giggle. What a charmer.
"Hey, so I guess I'm in the centre now? 4th youngest, 4th oldest? I'm Ji-Hun. I mostly get on with work so you might now hear of much from me,"
"Haha, same here, I'm always busy doing something, though it feels as if I do nothing." I reply.
He smiles, "so you're a lot like me, I guess I can make time for you then."
"HEY! That's not fair, when I asked for ur opinion ur said you can't make time for anyone." Protests Han Yi An.
"Ah what an annoying child, what to do? Hi Alice, I'm Jeong-Wu, 3rd youngest I guess? Nice to meet you" he smiles, I return it.
Lee Hyun, steps forward again, "our roles, well you already know I'm the leader, I'm also a rapper, along with Ji-Hun. Han Yi An, Kin Joon-Seok, Jeong-Wu and Gong Tae-Kwang are Vocals."
"I guess I'm joining with you and Ji-Hun, I rap too" I smile, I felt as if I was about to blush, but somehow I kept it hidden? Maybe?
"AHH THATS GREAT!!! I defiantly have to make time for you now haha" chuckles Ji-Hun. So cheerful all of a sudden, I thought I was the happy child.
All of a sudden, I remember I got a message from Suga, so I decided to finally look at my screen.
It said
'Hey, dunno if you're gonna read this, let's hope so though haha. I'm going to work too now, and in case I'm not gonna see you around, I'll let you know now, I'm still coming in tonight.'
I could almost picture him smirking. What an idiot, why do I always fall for such pigs, I snigger to myself, and face back up to see all attention on me.
"Well Alice, I hope you have fun, you know where my office is though," Bang Si-Hyuk begins, I nod, I just randomly knew from all the BTS vids that I watched, "then if you need anything, come see me" another warm smile. I wouldn't have received anywhere near the amount of smiles I have here back in the UK.
I was loving it already.

Something to help remember the new characters in order of age (oldest to youngest)
1) Kim Joon-Seok ~ Vocalist
2) Lee Hyun ~ Rapper
3) Gong Tae Kwang ~ Vocalist
4) Ji Hun ~ Rapper
5) Jeong-Wu ~ Vocalist
6) Han Yi An ~ Vocalist
7) Alice ~ Rapper
~ you might recognise some of the names from KDrama shows lol 😂😂👌🏻

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