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It's been so long~
Not really...
I'm updating more often now...
I'm not necessarily running out of ideas for this book, but it just seems kinda boring at this point.... DM me any suggestions or anything, but I've drafted another wip~ still a Yoongi fic, but I'm sure it'll be some what more Interesting than this,
Anyways< enjoy this boring chapter~
"OMG~ gurl~ you're finally here~" she screeches.
"Yessss girll~ look at my new stylist~" I chimed in.
"Yes~ anyways, that's enough of a reunion."
Bish what? Excuse me? I've missed you like hell and you cuz the reunion short?
"I've got to get started so come on, follow me"
Maybe she's under strict rules here...?
I follow her and she leads me to another room, another makeup room, one more spacious.
"Shit down." I couldn't help but giggle at the little inside joke.
Cautiously, she began doing my makeup, taking precautions as if I was some next level porcelain doll, "how's life here for you?"
"It's amazing~ I'm enjoying it, like a dream come true, honestly it's been a lot better than I thought it would be, and the best part is, we're debuting soon and I'm quite happy with the progress we're making, fan wise and practice wise." I ranted.
"I've seen~ on the news and everything, didn't think you had the guts but hey, once an entertainer, always one." She winked at me, "by the way, didn't you invite Paula here?"
"Paula? Yeah I have, though she wasn't the happiest."
"What? Why?"
"She said I was cock blocking or something...? Her and Jimin."
"She was raping Jimin?"
"No, I wanna say it was the other way round but it clearly wasn't if she was disappointed every time I stopped it."
She giggled, "so you've basically been in the middle of it, you should've just left them."
"Excuse me? On my bed? I think the fuck not."
"Woah... on ur bed? Yeah I agree not the best decision, only for you and Suga right ;>"
"Haha, lol I mean, I'm not ready to go to that stage and he knows"
"Okay first of all, no one says lol but I've missed you so I'll let it pass this time," She stoped to admire the work she's completed so far on my face before continuing, "and second, that implies you and Mr Min are getting somewhere."
"Lol lol lol lol< I get away with it ;P but yeah, it's going somewhere that's for sure, I mean, at one point I even kissed him to play his game but I got lost into it so I just gave my first kiss like it was nothing."
"Show some pride~ be the man in the relationship if he won't be, I mean at least your dream is going somewhere big"
"So is yours~"
"What do you mean?" She stopped again?"
I explained the situation with Taehyung, all the other members and like that, the conversation dragged on for another 10 minutes, when we were cut off by manager-nim stumbling into the room.
"Hey, you guys ready? (Y/N), you have choreography practice with Jungkook in 5 minutes, so I'll escort you to room B16, let's go."
What started off as a fun conversation between me and a long lost friend (what it felt like) turned into a hard day at work.
~~~~~ 10PM
Jungkook and I were heading out the company. We stayed an extra hour because I wanted to perfect the dance. Now it's all done, Kooks and I will be recording the Hip Hop performance early tomorrow morning to go with his new single.
On the way back to my hotel room, we walked in a comfortable silence.
Nearing the hotel, Jungkook suddenly rests his arm on my shoulder.
"Kookie~ you're heavy~ take it off" pretending I couldn't push his arm off, I whined.
"Oh?" He presses his arm harder making it actually painful.
"Augh Jungkook that hurts."
"Does it (Y/N)? Are you cold?" He finally releases his grip and begins taking off his coat.
"No I'm not¿ you aren't either are you?"
"I am cold but I'd rather sacrifice myself right now." He puts his coat on my shoulders and moves behind me to back hug me while walking.
"I wasn't cold but thanks? Anyways why are you acting weird all of a sudden?"
"You made me sad" he almost whispered.
I turn my head round to face him, a pout sitting on his plump lips, "awhh Jungkookie Cute~" I attempted aeygo only to see him make an uglier pout. "Jungkook... you're sad? Why?"
"Because u said I'm cute..." he whispered.
"Don't you like being called cute?" Curiosity made my blood run cold, mentally thanking the bunny for the warmth he's engulfing me in.
"It not that... it's just..." he kinda trailed off, deep in thought, contemplating if he should continue or not. "I kinda overheard you and the new stylist talk..." so that's why he was nervous, because he was eavesdropping. I decided not to interrupt him but to continue listening, "and at one point you were talking about the photo shoot we had before coming back from the tour... and when you guys were discussing everyone, you both said everyone was handsome and sexy and manly, but you called me cute... so I wanna show you I can be more than cute, like now, I'm being thoughtful."  I giggled.
"Really? You're so immature~ no wonder you're the Maknae~ of course you can be more than cute, you have moments when you're super sexy and some when you're the most adorable fluff ball out there."
"Hmmm.... I don't mean to be cute though... it's embarrassing when all the noonas say I'm a baby and all that..."
I continued complimenting and comforting him until we made it outside the suit's door. We whispered to each other, thinking that Yoongi might be sleeping since he's always at my place.
Almost silently, I unlock the door and the bunny and I tip toe inside, heading for the couch, when Yoongi randomly appears from the bathroom, with only a towel around his waist.
Rapidly, I cover my eyes, Jungkook giggles and does the same. Yoongi on the other hand snorts but says "why is he still following you? Can't we have a night to ourselves without the kid around?"
"Yoongi~ you're half naked..." I felt my cheeks flush bright red.
"Just the way you like it" I could hear the smirk plastered onto his face. He came and sat down in between me and Kookie and leaves his head on my shoulder.
"We should watch a movie~!" Jungkook practically yelled.
"Yeah," Yoongi agreed, "let's watch 5o shades of grey, that'll be fun." I opened my eyes while widening them and playfully smacked Yoongi's chest,
"Yah< I'm a kid!" Suga snorted again.
"Woah (Y/N) wait! He never let me watch it before, let's watch it! For me~" Kookie pleaded. I sighed in defeat as the guys talked to each other and turned the TV on.
While switching to NetFlix, the door creeps open, reminding me I didn't lock it, and in walks to drunk idiots, Jimin and Paula.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~ it was longer than I planned to make it but🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
The next update won't be an update to this story, but kinda like an advertisement to my next book 😂😂🤞
Peace out lovelies~

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