Chapter 5

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NorthwesternTerritories, Canada 1845

Logan's POV

"Your always sick."

"You were sick when you were my age" I replied

The door suddenly open and he stood from his chair hiding his hands behind his back "Evening, sir" he said to my father who had just walked in.

In replied my father simply said "Evening Victor. I didn't realize you were still here."

" I was just keeping James company. If that is all right, sir" Victor stated

"Very kind of you" my father said ",how are you son?"

"Still cold father" I replied

"Just a mild fever you'll be alright in the morning" my father reassured me.

"You always say that" I smiled

"And you always pull through don't you" he laughed "Now have you taken your medicine?"

Suddenly there was loud banging and yelling at the door.

My father turned to Victor "Your father's drunk again, you should help him home Victor"

"Its not my name he's calling, sir" Victor said tartly

My father quickly got up and exited the room while I called for him. Then there was a loud arguing and a gun shot. I got up out of bed and ran out the door and down the hallway. From the top of the stairwell I saw my father almost dead on the ground and my mother being held back by the man who shot him. I ran down the stairs to my fathers side where he barely was breathing. My mother and the man were arguing about something that I was too angry to listen. My father had just died next to me.

Suddenly I felt pain in my hands something was coming out from between my knuckles. My mother looked at me horrified as it was happening because claws we're coming out from my hands. I screamed and ran at the man who shot my father as he tried shoot me. My mother to push a gun in the other direction and I ran right through him with my new claws. My mother called for me, and the man who I just stabbed said "He wasn't your father"

I looked horrified between my mother and the man who standing before me. The man I had just killed was my father. My mother looked at me and said "What are you?"

At that moment I ran out the door as fast as I possibly could. I was then tackled to the ground by Victor.

I cried "I didn't mean it."

"Yes you did" he said ",he deserved it and you gave it to him"

"We're brothers Jimmy do you realize that. And brothers protect each other."

"I wanna go home" I replied

"We can't we stick together no matter what. Can you do that little brother?"

I nodded furiously then we heard voices behind. We ran. Ahead we saw a small cabin, a candle in the window was all we saw. We ran towards it and knocked on the door vigorously. A woman open the door she was looking straight ahead not down at us.

"Who is there?" she asked

We suddenly realize she couldn't see us she was blind.

"My name Victor and this is my little brother Jimmy" Victor said "We need help we are being chased"

"Well Jimmy and Victor welcome to my home. My name is Emilia."

Emilia'sPOV 20 years later

"My big boys all grown up off to fight a war." I said

Victor and Jimmy knew all about my story. They knew I was like them I was not able to age or be killed either. It was 1865. Victor and Jimmy have lived with me ever since they found my cabin in the woods 20 years ago. I do not know what they look like but I could recognize them by the sound of their voice. I was moving back to Britain soon. And the boys were off to fight in the Civil War. I would probably never see them again I was going to miss them.

"You promise to write every day,right?" I questioned them

"Of course, Em, we could never forget about you" Jimmy laughed

"You better" I said sternly

"Goodbye, Em" Victor said hugging me

"Bye, Em, we love you." Jimmy said kissing my cheek.

"I wanna to know every detail and don't forget my new address OK?" I said stuffing the address into his hand that was gripping mine.

Then they were off. I was off to live in Britain for a while until I found some place better.

I received letters for a while until they stop in the late 1940s. I never heard from them after that.


SomewhereontheEast Coast ofthe USA



"How did you know that.......?" he stopped and I knew he recognized me ".....Emilia!?"


"What are you...How did you find...." he rambled I stopped him mid sentence.

"Where's Victor?" I knew Victor's smell just like I knew Jimmy's, he wasn't here.

Jimmy was silent for a long time.

"Jimmy...?" I pushed

"I don't know haven't seen him for a while. He got into some pretty bad stuff so I left" he said

I knew Victor was always a little different he like killing. I never knew why, he made Jimmy joins all the wars because of his fetish.

"Jimmy I need you to do something for me." I said finding his hand and gripping it. He squeezed back.

"Em you know I would do anything for you."

"I need you to join a team. Remember those two men who came up to you a few minutes ago."

"Em I don't know they smell like government and I don't like government"

"Jimmy please! They're my friends and the one with shaggy hair is a little more."

"Really him Em you could do so much better."

I stared in his general direction with a blank look on my face.

"Really you think I could do better;Jimmy I am blind"

"Your like my sister Em I want to make sure he is right for you."

"Sweet but trust me he his."

"OK fine."

"Fine what?"

"I'll join your team"

"Really!" I grabbed his shoulders and hugged him."This is going to be great you won't regret it."

"I better not"

"Come on I want you to meet them!" I jumped out of my seat and headed in the direction I came dragging Jimmy behind me.

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