Chapter 6

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"Charles I would like you to meet someone" I said with the biggest grin on my face.

"Logan this is Charles." I said gesturing in their general directions. "Charles this is Logan"

"Darling if I may ask how do you know this Logan?" Charles asked

"I raised him when he was just a kid back in .... what year was it Logan?"

"1845? I believe." Logan replied

" Ah yes then" I said

" How in the world are you that old both of you" Eric said completely baffled

"We both don't age and can't be killed" Logan said

"Wonderful" Eric said sarcastically

"Don't be rude Eric!" I scolded him

We hope into the car and rode back to the base. Jimmy and I talked the entire way catching up with each other. He told me that Victor changed so he left and would not explain more. Jimmy and I headed back to the base, while Erik and Charles stopped in Washington. They had decided to play chess why they couldn't do that at the base I have no idea. Moira was getting permission from the director to bring us along to Russia. When we came to get the rest of them they were partying only reason I could tell was because it was so noisy. I was pretty sure they were all drunk because I could smell the liquor coming of of them. Jimmy was probably in his room because he was nowhere in my hearing.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Moira yelled

I grabbed on to Charles hand to see what was happening. They all were looking in our directions.

"Who destroyed the statute?" Moira questioned them

"It was Alex" someone spoke up

"No, we have to call him Havoc now" Raven said ", his name is Havoc. And we were thinking" she said pointing to Charles ", that you should be Professor X and you" she said pointing to me " , should be Glare and finally you" she said pointing to Erik " , should be Magneto"

"Exceptional" Erik stated with disappointment clear in his voice.

I could hear their footsteps walk away. Charles released my hand and said to Raven " I expect more from you" Then he walked off. I told there for a moment and looked in Raven's general direction, then walked off following the sound of his footsteps. We were about to head off to Russia, I remember walking to Jimmy's room so I walked there.

"Hey what's up?" he asked as I walked in.

"Nothing, heading off to Russia soon can you watch the others" I replied

"Why?" He said

"Because they are just kids they need training and they don't have that yet" I pleaded

"Fine, be safe in Russia!" He said

"You know I will" I said as I was walking towards the air field.


We sat in the back of a military vehicle as we'd rove along. We were with others armed members of the CIA I could tell because I could smell the gun powder and body odor. I heard a small knock on the window that connected us to the front of the truck. I heard someone open, I was sitting next to Erik so I was blind for the time being. I heard the driver say something

"We have a problem" he said

"I am so sorry this wasn't on the map" Moira apologized

I obviously couldn't see what they were talking about but Erik explained to me there was a guarded gate up ahead. Charles told them to act normal no matter what happens, I then heard him close the window and turn around. Then he spoke to the others on the vehicle.

"Listen to me" he said and began explaining

I heard Russian being spoke the guard seemed to have asked to see the back of the truck and he accepted. I heard the soldiers guns click that were next to me, Charles told them to calm down. I heard the door handle move and the doors swing open. There was silence, I found Erik's hand and he rested mine on Charles arm. I looked and saw they were looking straight at us but they didn't see us. The guard said in Russian to the other guards that the truck was empty. I was so proud of Charles at that moment. I let go of his arm and heard the doors close. I then lean over Erik found Charles face and kissed him.

"What was that for?" He asked

"For saving us" I said leaning back into my seat.

We were laying flat down on our stomachs scoping out the scene. I didn't really bother holding onto Charles hand. He just told me that a woman dressed in white walked into the house.

"What are Shaw?" Erik exclaimed

"I don't know" Charles replied "if she's a telepath she'll know we're here"

"I'll try something else" Charles said

I grabbed his hand, suddenly we were inside the brain of a soldier right near the door the house. We saw the woman kissing the general on the cheek. The woman then spoke,

"Shaw sends his apologies but he's indisposed. He asked me to come in his place." She told the general. "Between you and me I'm a lot better company"

The Russian general then invited her into the house. Charles said what happened and how Shaw was not coming. Moira told us that we should abort mission because we were coming for Shaw. Eric didn't like that idea

"That's his right hand woman" he said "she's good enough for me"

"The CIA would be invading the home of a senior Soviet official" Moira argued "Are you crazy?!"

"I'm not CIA" he retorted

I then heard him run off into the woods. I heard metal clanging as Erik worked his way into the house. I knew I needed to help him and Charles knew it too. The CIA were going to leave without him we could do that. Charles grab my hand and we both race towards the house. Charles calmed the soldiers that had been attacked by Erik on the way into the house. We barged into the room with Erik and saw the general being trick by the woman. Charles put him to sleep. She stood up and I saw through Charles that she had turned to diamond. Charles tried to read her mind but it could work I let go of his hand. Erik then trapped her against the metal bed frame. I heard him squeezing the metal against her until I heard a slight crack.

"Erik that enough!" Charles repeated over.

The crack was enough that I heard her transform back. "All yours" Erik said ", she won't be shifting into diamond form again and if she does just give her tap"

I grabbed Charles shoulder as he bent down to read her mind. What we saw was shocking. Shaw wanted to start a nuclear war between the US and Russia. Wanted to kill off the human so the mutants would be the only thing left.

" Beautiful isn't" Emma said, we got her name from her head.

"Where taking you with us the CIA will want to question you themselves" I said as I removed my hand from Charles shoulder.

"That's ok. They have bigger things to worry about right now." She replied with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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