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kingparker added kinsleyy & mattastic to the chat, love birds 💖💕💘💗💓💝💞


kinsleyy: kingsley what is this

kingparker: i was looking thru ur phone last night and saw that the last time you and matt talked was 2 weeks ago and the convo was literally the dryest

kinsleyy: what have i told you ab looking through my phone

mattastic: the last convo kins and i had was about homework lmao

kingparker: exactly, matt. that's not a good thing at all

kinsleyy: it's a bad thing that i was talking to one of the smartest people i know about homework?

kingparker: well, yes and no.

kingparker: you two should be talking ab different things

mattastic: like?

kingparker: love idk

kinsleyy: not this again


kingparker: matt?

mattastic: idk kins speak for yourself

kinsleyy: what

mattastic: im not saying i do like you like that, but if i did, would it be such a bad thing

kinsleyy: for you it would

mattastic: why

kinsleyy: i'm so ugh

mattastic: no ur not

kingparker: compliment her matt

kinsleyy: are you really still here

mattastic: ur so beautiful kins

kinsleyy: skdkskds matt you didn't have to actually compliment me

mattastic: oh

kingparker: matt say you wanted to

mattastic: i did cause i wanted to. and i meant it

kingparker: oooh nice touch

kinsleyy: im leaving

kinsleyy has left the chat, love birds 💖💕💘💗💝💓💞

mattastic: remind me why you want me and your sister together so bad

mattastic: not that i mind that you're trying to set us up cause i dont at all lol

kingparker: lmao i think you're the perfect match for her

kingparker: you're a respectful HUMAN thats her age. she needs someone like you

kingparker: this town is filled with demons like myself and i really don't want kinsley to be with a monster. it's bad enough the only family she has is one

mattastic: oh

mattastic: im so sorry katherine did that to you man

mattastic: but are you scared that kins might start liking damon or smth

kingparker: thats alright matt thanks.

kingparker: and yea. the guy's a jackass

mattastic: and a vampire

kingparker: exactly

kingparker: kins always goes for the worst guys

kingparker: but yea you're good for kins. you're what she needs

mattastic: thanks? lmao

sorry for the late update yall

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