twenty five.

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"Okay! See you later!" Kinsley waved goodbye to her girls. The 2-night sleepover held at Elena Gilbert's house was coming to an end. The dark-haired girl started to make her way to the car that was parked across the street from Elena's house. She pulled out her keys to unlock her door when she saw a strange man suddenly in front of her car, blocking the driver's door. Kinsley instantly stopped in her tracks.

"Um, hello?" Kinsley made sure to keep the distance between her and the strange man. The man did nothing but smirk at her. "Excuse me, I need to get to my car. Could you please move?"

"My boss says he needs you. I'm here to collect." The man revealed. His boss? Who could he be- Oh my god, Klaus! Her eyes widened as she turned on her heels to run back to her friend's home.

"El-" Kinsley tried to call out their names, hoping someone would hear. But the man was too quick in covering her mouth and saying a spell that knocked her out.


Kinsley woke up with a groan. She held her hand up to her head to ease the growing headache she had. She looked around to see a familiar face looking straight at her.

"Elena?" Kinsley tried. Hoping that was her long-time best friend. The girl smirked and shook her head.

"Nope." Katherine made sure to pop the P in 'nope'. She downed the rest of the bottle of bourbon she had in her hand. "Not exactly."

"Oh, Katherine! Glad to see you're still alive and kicking." That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell. The gang had all thought Klaus killed Katherine when he captured her. They were wrong. As usual.

"Nice to see you too, Buttercup." Katherine placed the empty bottle on the counter, then traveled to the cabinet to pull out another bottle of alcohol. "Why are you here?" The doppelganger questioned.

"Like I'd know. Maybe for leverage or something? Where are we?" asked Kinsley,  as she perched up from the very discomforting sofa. She glanced around, finding that they're in some kind of apartment or loft.

"Alaric's apartment. Want some? You look like you need it." Katherine offered Kinsley a shot of whatever she poured in the glass. Kinsley declined her offer while getting up to make her way to the kitchen. She opened the fridge to find water, and to her delight, she did.

"Where is our kidnapper, anyway?" Katherine opened her mouth to respond but closed it when she heard the door open. Both of the girls turned towards the door to see Alaric, or rather Klaus, enter the apartment.

"Right here, love. Missed me?" Kinsley scoffed

"Miss you? I don't even know you."

"But don't you? I'm sure you remember the art convention 2 years ago, right? Or most of it anyway." Klaus snickered as Kinsley began to remember the man she met those years ago. So she was right when she told the girls about her encounter with a man named Klaus. Katherine looked at the two of them confusingly. Do they know each other?

"I knew that was you. So why are you posing as our teacher? To spy on us? Aren't you supposed to be some kind of all-powerful vampire?" Kinsley questioned. She wondered if he planned on killing her, but she would already be dead if that were true.

"Don't worry, Kinsley. I'll be out of this body soon enough." Kinsley knitted her eyebrows together. The door opened to reveal the man who kidnapped her walk in with a duffel bag in his hand. Klaus turned towards the man to greet him.

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