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(okay this is kinda out of order with the show😬)

elenag has sent a message to the chat my brother needs a girlfriend!

elenag: so um. i wasn't able to ask elijah anything.

kinsleyy: why?


damnsalvatore: as he should.

kinsleyy: i swear y'all ruin everything

kingparker: he was dangerous.

kinsleyy: you think me riding my bike to school is dangerous

kingparker: thats because it is

kinsleyy: KING


b.bennett: 🤦🏾‍♀️

careforbes: anyways, any news on klaus?

stefansal: not really. just that he got katherine

kinsleyy: i feel like i know someone named klaus

damnsalvatore: how?

kinsleyy: wym how? the name klaus just sounds familiar

wolftyla: maybe ur thinking ab the fish from american dad

kinsleyy: stfu ty. i feel like i've met someome named klaus before.

mattastic: maybe you've met him but he compelled u to forget him?

elenag: then how does she remember his name then, matt?

mattastic: lmao idk.

elenag: 🤦🏻‍♀️

kinsleyy: anyways, are u guys going to the dance tomorrow?

kingparker: ur not even going to the dance.

kinsleyy: hold up, what?

kingparker: kinsley 👏🏾 is👏🏾 not👏🏾 going👏🏾

kinsleyy: ur so funny king.

kinsleyy: pick me up @6 matt

mattastic: okay🥰

kingparker: dont pick her up matt

mattastic: okay🙄

kinsleyy: king ur not gonna ruin my high school experience. im going to that mf dance.

kingparker: ur not but go off

elenag: hey me and bonnie are going.

stefansal: then i guess i am too

careforbes: so am i

damnsalvatore: i can chaperone

kinsleyy: literally all of my friends are going

kinsleyy: even damon will be there

kinsleyy: and so will alaric

stefansal: what ab me? i'm going

kinsleyy: well yeah, stef. i said all my friends

stefansal: oh yeah


careforbes: ANYWAYYYYS

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careforbes: ANYWAYYYYS

careforbes: king u can chaperone too

kinsleyy: terrible idea but ig

kingparker: sure

kinsleyy: okay now that thats settled, do any of u know what ur wearing bc i don't

elenag: my mom has 60's outfits in her closet for some reason so i'll just wear those ig

careforbes: bonnie and i went shopping for outfits yesterday.

b.bennett: but don't worry we got something for u to wear also

kinsleyy: I LOVE U GUYS

kinsleyy: THANKS!!

careforbes: np!!

wolftyla: kins u have such nice friends.

wolftyla: matt won't even buy me a bag of chips

mattastic: tyler

mattastic: i was in the gas station to get gas and you asked me to get u a bag of chips and i said no because i only had enough for gas and u asked me to steal them.

wolftyla: thEN U STEAL FOR ME MATT


b.bennett: oh my god

kinsleyy: care would u steal a bag of chips for me?

careforbes: ofc!

wolftyla: SEE MATT

wolftyla: REAL FRIENDS

kingparker: this generation is going straight to hell

damnsalvatore: ^^

OMG!! Sorry for taking so long to update! It's been a rough few months but I plan to be writing more frequently now

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