twenty three.

657 31 5

kinsleyy has sent you a chat!

kinsleyy: damon

kinsleyy: im just gonna suck it up and be honest with you

kinsleyy: these past couple of months have been really hectic, terrifying, and unpredictable.

kinsleyy: and idk why i can't shake the feeling that something else is going to happen so i'm just gonna downright tell you how i've been feeling.

kinsleyy: i like you

kinsleyy: like a lot

kinsleyy: shit , if i knew what love was i might even say i love you

kinsleyy: (this might be all the alcohol i drunk at this sleepover talking but)

kinsleyy: i tried to push my feelings for you away but ur making it so hard i can't even

kinsleyy: every time u comment on my photos and call me just to talk to me i always have the biggest smile on my face and sometimes i hate it

kinsleyy: i wanna be with you

kinsleyy: i really miss what we had but you let katherine get in the way of things and i couldn't handle it.

kinsleyy: idek why im saying this bc it's literally 4am and ur probably sleep

kinsleyy: but ive been thinking about this all night and i needed to get this off my chest. y'know with everything going on with klaus and this curse and such i thought this would be a good time to tell you.

damnsalvatore: kinsley

damnsalvatore: wow

kinsleyy: omfg ur awake. kill me

damnsalvatore: why haven't you told me this before?

kinsleyy: idk i guess i was scared

damnsalvatore: why were you scared

kinsleyy: idk

kinsleyy: i read the convo you had with elena and literally started crying

damnsalvatore: kinsey

damnsalvatore: you make everyday worth living

damnsalvatore: im so happy you finally said all this

kinsleyy: stopppp im crying agaiinnnnnn omfffgggggg

damnsalvatore: kinsley?

kinsleyy: yes?

damnsalvatore: i love you

kinsleyy: damon?

damnsalvatore: yes?

kinsleyy: die.

kinsleyy: i can't say that

damnsalvatore: why not?

kinsleyy: bc i don't want to say something i don't mean

damnsalvatore: oh


kinsleyy: i mean i don't really know what loving someone like that means and i don't want to say it and i really don't know why i'm saying it. if i say it i want it to actually mean something uk?

damnsalvatore: i could show you?

kinsleyy: i want you too. but what ab king? i don't want to keep anything from him

kinsleyy: im gonna tell him about us

damnsalvatore: oh that's cool

damnsalvatore: IF YOU WANT ME DEAD

kinsleyy: don't worry man, king will understand.

kinsleyy: i mean sure he's gonna be mad at first but hes going to know that you make me happy and all he ever wanted is for me to be happy.

damnsalvatore: awwwww i knew you liked me

kinsleyy: ill kill you

quick question, would y'all mind if we added a irl chapter? or just stick to social media?

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