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  ☆Third Person POV☆ 

Anna slowly wakes up, and as she does she notices shes no longer on her Mommy's lap. She is on a large soft bed that she doesn't recognize. She cries wanting her mommy, and out of fear of waking up in a different place than she fell asleep in. 

Suddenly Anna jumps when she hears a gruff voice say, "No baby its ok don't cry, I've got you." Adrian scooped her up and set her carefully in his lap, "Whats wrong baby girl?" 

"Whew is mommy," she whimpers softly. 

At this Adrian's heart fluttered and he was overjoyed that their baby is accepting them as her caregivers. "Mommy and Daddy Liam went to the store baby, they'll be back in a little while though." Anna does a cute little pout that unintentionally makes her daddy's heart melt. 

"No baby none of that," he says as he pokes her sides, making her giggle her cute little pout away. "You have time to spend with daddy! We can watch cartoons if you would like baby." 

Anna thinks about this, and makes a cute little face as she contemplates what she wants to do with her daddy. She squeals as soon as she thinks of something, "Daddy tan we cuddwe?", she says and looks up at him with wide baby blue eyes.

Adrian lets out a deep chuckle that sends chills down his baby's spine, "Of course little one." He then lifts her up as he stands, and places her comfortably on his hip. Anna places her head on his broad shoulder and closes her eyes, realizing she was still sleepy from her nap. 

Adrian takes her down the stairs and into their large kitchen, and places her onto the large marble island in the middle of the room. He pulls out a pre-filled sippy cup of apple juice from the fridge, and proceeds to pick up Anna to carry her into the adjacent room. They walk into a very large living room, and Anna finally takes the time to look around it. Previously she didn't pay much attention to the room itself when she was in it before. Taking the spacious room in, she notices how unnecessarily large the couch is, and how fluffy it was. When she was set down with her sippy she immediately lays back and sips her apple juice. "Sit up baby, don't lay back when you drink," her daddy mutters and scoops her small frame into his lap.  He puts on a show called bubble guppies as per her request, and strokes her hair lovingly. She giggles throughout the show and responds appropriately to the questions asked by the cartoon mermaids. 

Adrian stares at his baby in adoration, feeling how unbelievably lucky they were to have had found someone so precious to care for and call their own. Anna feels eyes on her and blushes, "Why is you stawing daddy?" She blushes and looks down, normally for her, when people stared it meant they were judging, and she didn't like that. To her surprise though, her daddy told her "Just admiring the view baby doll." She giggled and placed her head on his chest in attempt to hide her rosy complexion. 

"Don't hide your face love, it makes daddy upset," he says this as he lifts her small face from his chest, and places a soft kiss to her nose. He looks down at her lovingly, though only having known her for less than a day, he already found himself falling for his little angel. He leaned down, and placed a feather like peck to her soft cherry colored lips. She giggled and hid her face once more. 

"You took my fiwst kissie daddy," she whispered lowly, but just loud enough for him to hear. This pleased him, that him and his partners would be her first, her first everything. And it also pleased him that he was the one to take the first kiss, though he knew there were many more to come not only from him.

As he placed another soft kiss to the top of her head, he whispered, "I'm glad I was the first, little one." Just then, the others walked in and took in what was happening between the two. Anna's other daddy smirked, and her mommy just smiled down at her. 

"How about we make some cupcakes little baby, Daddy Liam and I bought all the stuff to make them," her mommy said and lifted her out of Adrians lap. 

Liam placed a kiss to her forehead and whispered to her, "maybe after we can go to the pool." Anna squealed and clapped her hands thinking, I love my new life.   

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ A/N (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

hey guys! thank you so so so much for reading my book, I really am thankful of you all and I am so glad you actually enjoy my crappy writing. I'll update as soon as I can, that's if I'm in a writing mood and if I don't wanna procrastinate and just color lol. I didn't update for a bit because I was, and kind of am, having some personal shit going on, it makes it harder for me to be in little space, and even harder for me to write coherent plots. I hope you understand if I do for whatever reason don't update for a bit again, if not you can suck my toe. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE BABIES<33 

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