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Jenna POV

The notification on my phone went off making me let out a grumble as I rolled over to find it some where in my blankets.

Come over

I sighed reading the text from Tyler.
This was our normal, our thing.
We have been dating since freshman year now in our senior year making that 4 long years of us dating. I regret not one part of those 4 years not one second.

From the second I seen his beautiful brown eyes I fell deeply in love.

I rolled out of bed changing into a pair of sweats and one of Tyler's basketball hoodies making me sigh in contentment. His hoodie still smelled like him. I slipped on my socks and shoes throwing my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my keys sliding out the back door. My parents are work acholics they are never home and really don't care what I do they give me enough money to survive and some extra for "extra needs".

I pulled into his drive way turning off my car and went in his back door and up to his room. I walked into his room with out knocking. He knew I was coming he should be okay. When I entered I see him laying on his bed his stomach down and his head facing his TV that's across the room playing reruns of shows.

He looked up at me with love in his eyes making me smile then him smile from my smile. I walked up to him giving him a light kiss on the lips then his nose.

"Hey beautiful" he muttered into my ear making me smile. He rolled over so he was on his back and pulled me on top of him so my head rested on his chest. He started running a hand threw my messy bun making it even more messy but I really didn't care as this was my favorite feeling.

I could feel his every move and hear every heart beat making me smile even more.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you too" he replied. I could hear the smile in his voice.

We layed like this for a good 30 minutes before I got uncomfortable and moved to his side but kept my head on his chest.

"We should go out tomorrow" I look up at him and nod.

"If you are there I'm always up for it" I say and lay my head back down.
"Your heart beat picked up are you okay?" I ask sitting up and he just smirks at me. I give him a questioning look and he laughs.

"You do this to me sweetheart you make my heart do this." He answers and I blush he leans forward kissing my forehead making me blush more.
"It's 3 am go to sleep. I'll wake you in the morning okay?" He adds and I nod pulling the cover up over us but not where I can't lay my head on his cheast. My favorite pillow.

I wake up to the smell of bacon making my stomach rumble right away. I get up noticing Tyler isnt in bed meaning he's the one making breakfast. I fix my hair before heading to the kitchen to see Tyler is indeed making breakfast.

"Pancakes and bacon with orange juice my favorite" I state making Tyler jump at my voice clearly not knowing I was awake.

"Y-yeah I thought you deserved it" he says turning back around to flip the pancake and takes the bacon out of the pan.

After he makes me a plate he sets it down in front of me and I wait till he finishes his plate so we can eat together.

He finally sits down and we dig in and I moan at how good the bacon taste in my mouth.

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