Chapter 12: Lost and Found

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Jack opened his eyes to a strange room full of blinking lights and floating panels.

"Welcome back!" said Vyleria, jumping out in front of him. "I wasn't sure it would work at first. I thought you might have been too far away, but this spaceship seems to be capable of anything."

"How did you do that?" asked Jack, gasping for air and struggling to his feet. "I thought we were dead for sure."

"I opened a wormhole in space. I'm not exactly sure of the science behind it; the ship takes care of most of it really. I just pressed a couple of buttons. But even I thought that it was impossible at first - you were millions and millions of miles away and surrounded by all that black goo. If it wasn't for Xylem having switched off all off-ship communication, we might have found you sooner."

"Excuse me, there's someone else in the room you know!" said Padget, staggering to his feet.

"And who might you be?" asked Vyleria.


"This is Padget," said Jack. "I found him on one of the lower levels. It was his fault that we..."

"How did you manage to end up off the spaceship in the first place?" asked Ros, green canals popping up all over his skin. Jack hadn't missed him one bit. "We can't leave you alone for one minute, can we?"

"It was an accident," said Jack. "Padget went out into space by mistake, so I tried to rescue him."

"Some rescue!" said Ros.

"I was only trying my best. What would you have done?"

"I would have left him!" said Ros, looking directly at Padget. "Anyone too stupid for space deserves the consequences."

"Oi! I could have your head for that on my planet."

"Well, we're not on your planet are we?" said Ros. "We're in space. On a strange spaceship, with no idea where we are or how to get back. If we are to have a chance of getting out of this mess then we all have to contribute. But YOU! By the look of you - all you have been in is your daddy's kitchen. What use are you going to be?"

"Leave him alone!" said Jack.

"What did you say?" spat Ros, his eyes and teeth as big and as sharp as ever.

"I said leave him alone. It's not fair. What has he ever done to you?"

"He came aboard this ship for a start."

"Look, I know he can be a bit spoilt sometimes, but that's just his upbringing. It's not his fault. He's okay really. Once you get to know him..."

"I don't plan to!"

"Well, that's up to you isn't it? But look Ros, we are all on this spaceship together so I suggest we all try to get along. Otherwise we'll end up killing each other."

"Oh yeah, are you threatening me now?"

"No. I didn't mean it like that."

"Fine. Have it your way," said Ros, storming off to the other side of the room. "Deal with him yourself. See if I care."

Jack was about to continue the argument when he saw the most hideous creature he'd ever seen.

It looked like some kind of giant, mutated centipede. Its teeth looked like stalactites, its skin the colour of blood.

"WHAT IS THAT?" asked Jack.

"That's Xylem," said Vyleria with a worried look on her face. "Be careful Jack, he is a very strange boy."

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