Chapter 14: Home

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Jack wasn't sure what time it was when he awoke. Outside he could hear blackbirds singing and a light breeze ruffling the leaves of the trees.

He pulled the curtains apart and peeped through the window. Only in his dreams had he seen the sky so blue and cloudless. The bright, yellow sun was rising steadily in the sky and down below cars and people were going up and down the main road.

He was home at last.

"What time do you call this?"

Jack turned around expecting to see his mum, only to see Vyleria standing by the door instead.

She was wearing one of the spacesuits that Jack had found in the equipment room. Hers however, was bright red with patches of crimson on the arms and legs. It was skintight.

"Come on Jack," she said (sounding a little bit like his mother). "I want to explore this planet of yours."

"What... what are you doing here?"

"I've told you, I want to see your world."

"But ... it's so early Vyleria. Can't it wait?"

"Early? It's six in the morning!"

"SIX IN THE MORNING?" he shouted, pulling his head back under the soft, warm duvet. "I want to SLEEEEEEEEEEEP!"

"Come on Jack, everyone else is still sleeping. I thought you of all people would be up and ready."

"Why me?"

"You seem like the adventurous type."

"I do?" he asked, pulling his head from under the duvet.

"Yes, now come on I want to explore," she said, tugging (again like his mum) at the duvet.

"Okay fine," he said, "just leave me alone so I can get changed will you?"

She turned her back.

"Not like that!" he shouted. "I mean leave the room."

"What's the matter Jack, too shy?"

"Yes, that's exactly it. I'm too shy, so can you leave the room now please?"

"Okay," she said grinning, closing the door behind her.

"And knock before you come back in please!" he shouted.

What does she want to see this place for? He thought. It's not like there's anything special about it. It's quite boring actually...

Jack got changed as quickly as he could and was just about to tell Vyleria to come back in when she abruptly burst in anyway. "Does everyone take this long to get ready on your planet?"

Jack thought for a moment, but wasn't sure.

"So what's there to do around here?" she asked, peeping out of the window.

Again, Jack had to think.

"Err... we could watch TV."

"What's TV?"

"It's like a box and there are pictures on it, but they're moving and..."

Jack stopped.

"You look confused; maybe it's best if I show you."

Jack took her downstairs and into the living room. He went over to the small TV in the corner and switched it on. He flicked from one channel to the next, from the news, to the weather, to some cartoons, to a movie; they even watched some adverts.

Jack Strong and the Red GiantWhere stories live. Discover now