Chapter 17: Brave New World

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"Hey, are you okay?" asked Jack, running down the corridor. "Don't worry about Xylem. He probably won't be captain for long."

"What makes you think that?" said Vyleria, her cheeks still glowing with anger. "Because of my stupidity I have let the whole ship down."

"No, you haven't. It will sort itself out, I'm sure."

"How Jack? How will it sort itself out? In case you haven't realised Xylem is power-hungry. He's not exactly going to cede control willingly. We are going to have to take the ship back."

"What do you mean?" asked Jack.

"I mean that when the time comes you and I are going to have to mutiny."

"M-mutiny?" said Jack, imagining having to stand up to Xylem all by himself.

"Yes, when the time comes. But first we must wait and see what he does. It would help if we had the others on our side. Do you think the rest will help us?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure about Ros. He definitely doesn't like me and I'm not sure if he likes you either. Rebellion is not in Padget's nature and besides, he's not very brave. And as for Grunt forget it. He can barely look after himself let alone take part in a mutiny."

"Yes, you're right Jack. We must bide our time and wait until he makes a mistake. Perhaps he will do something to one of the others."

All this plotting and conspiring made Jack very nervous. He was scared of doing something that might land him in trouble, but at the same time he was excited to be a part of Vyleria's plans, to be part of a team of sorts. For the first time in his life he felt like he had a genuine friend.

They bumped into Grunt five minutes later. He was eating another plate of fish and chips. By the look of it he had already eaten three plates and was now busily scoffing down the fourth. Maybe I should introduce him to the whole Earth menu? Jack thought. I wonder how he'd take to spaghetti, pizza and curry?

"Hi there," said Jack, causing Grunt to jump and spray half-chewed bits of food all over the room. "Do you want to try something else?"

Grunt grunted.

Okay, I'll take that as a yes...

Jack imagined something that he'd always wanted but had never had.

A super-duper king size triple meat feast pizza from Giuseppe's Italian restaurant in Rockingdale.

It was bigger than a table.

Steam oozed out of the melted cheese and all the various toppings and swirled about the room.

It smelt gorgeous.

"What's that?" asked Vyleria, licking her lips, only to see Grunt attack it like a lion would a zebra.

Within seconds it was gone.

Jack imagined another.

Still the lion ate.

He dreamt-up one more.

Same result.

Jack couldn't believe it. He was like a garbage bin on wheels. Whatever you put in front of him went straight down his gullet. He put away six pizzas all in all.

Eventually Jack and Vyleria were able to have a few slices too.

It was delicious. The best pizza ever.

Jack Strong and the Red GiantDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora