Chapter 30: The Search

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The whole ground shook as another earthquake rippled around the planet.

Rocks and boulders rolled and rattled, fissures cracked; the towering volcano erupted with renewed vigour, spewing a hail of molten rocks for miles and miles around, streams of lava streaking down its sides.

"They are becoming more frequent and more violent," said Vyleria. "You can't risk it. We haven't got long left."

"I have to try – we can't just leave Ros behind."

"But you don't even know where he is."

"I last saw him heading towards that volcano," he said, pointing at the red hot behemoth in the distance. "And besides, your scans indicated there was life inside. It has to be him."

"But it could've been anything, what with the crash and this planet's magnetic field messing with our instruments it's hard to tell what's a lifeform and what's just a plain old rock."

"That's enough to go on for me. Besides, your scans indicated he was near the top of the crater. I should be able to reach him via one of the lava tubes. All of them seem to lead up to that point."

"Yeah, because it's full of lava. You'll die."

"You don't know that."

"Don't I?"

"Look, this is pointless."

"Okay if he's up there then why hasn't he come back? Why hasn't he responded to our queries?"

"I don't know, perhaps he's hurt, perhaps whatever is allowing us to communicate has stopped working in his case."

"Yeah, or maybe he's flown off and left us both for dead."

"You don't know that."

"Don't I Jack? It's Ros. It's what he does!"

"Maybe you're right," said Jack after a long pause, "but I've got to try."

"But when the spaceship comes for us, we can get him then."

"We can't wait that long and you know it. That volcano could erupt at any moment. And when it does..."

"But I don't understand, why are you doing this for him? Ros has never liked you. He hates you in fact. Why would you risk your life to save him?"

"Because if it was me trapped in the volcano I'd hope he'd do the same."

"He wouldn't. And you know it. He'd say that you were probably dead and then zoom off in the opposite direction."

"Yes, perhaps you're right, Vyleria. I've never had any real friends. Not like you and Grunt anyway. And yes Ros isn't exactly what you would call a friend, but the truth is that I'd like him to be. If I can save him today then maybe that will be the start of something special for not just him and me, but for all of us. We've all been brought together for a reason so maybe we should start acting more like a team and less like a group of individuals. Our very survival depends on it."

"But what about all those creatures? What about the earthquakes and the volcanoes and the meteors? It's too dangerous."

"I'll be okay. I can take care of myself. Since I've done a bit of exploring I know the ground and besides we haven't seen those creatures since the last earthquake. They are probably all dead or else hiding somewhere."

"Yes, in hiding and waiting for YOU!" she shouted. "Jack, I don't want you to go. I don't want you to die."

"I won't. Trust me, Vyleria," he said, planting an invisible kiss on her forehead. "You can follow my progress from your ship. Remember the plan. Look, I have to go. I'll come back for you, I promise."

Jack Strong and the Red GiantWhere stories live. Discover now