
64 1 0

Jesse 7 years old

My mind is my greatest gift. That's what my mom says. I'm the brains of the operation but that doesn't matter since my parents never stick to the plan.

They're trying to teach me how to be better like them. I'm as flexible as a snake thanks to me being double jointed, I'm a child genius which is surprising since I skip school a lot.

Punch. I'm tossed around like a doll across the room.

"Come on Jess, you have to learn to fight back." He yells at me for the fourth time today. The Joker might be my dad but to him I'm just another minion.

My mom quickly steps up, "Maybe he's just tired Mister J, I'm sure he'll be able to do it eventually."

She's always trying to save me from my fathers bad temper.

I quickly spit out the blood from my mouth and wipe it off, my hair making a shadow at my eyes, "I don't want to fight."

My dad glared at me, "What do you mean kid, you're great at what you do."

Just hearing those words made me shut up, my heart throbbed a little. Knowing I'm not useless made my heart content, I looked up at the Jocker with big eyes and a smile, "Really?!"

"Yes. Now come on kid, don't disappoint." He said with one of his crazy smiles.

I quickly got up ignoring the pain in my abdomen and got into my martial arts stance. I didn't like fighting but I still did it. I knew about pressure points but I always refused to use it against my parents knowing that will make them angry for beating them.

I was getting tired, my eyebrows furrowed as I thought of a strategy to win. Slap!

My head turned forcefully to the other way as I fell on the hard ground and the Joker got on top of me with a sadistic smile. He grabbed my cheeks and pinched hard, pulling them up. I struggle to keep the tears at bay.

"What did I tell you about that face of yours" he said.

"Always smile , the family way" I said with a smile and closed eyes, making sure my eyes didn't betray my smile.

The Joker shook my head hard, "That's my boy" he whispered in my ear, making me shiver in a little fear.

Jesse Hayden Quinn{Young Justice League}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu