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Name: Jesse Alex Quinn

Superhero/Villian name : Chess

Superpowers: Teleport, turn invisible, can manipulate his eye and hair color.

Age: 7 years old but very mature for his age. Looks like a 10 year old.

Superhero Appearance: Pink/purple eyes, shoulder length hair that is purple with a pink stripe that is naturally like that. Pale skin, with a smile on his face always even if it's emotionless smile. Short.

Appearance he puts on: Purple hair and yellow eyes.

Likes: Avoiding conflict, deals, sweets, love, gambling, not having to smile, games, challenges, swords, singing,etc.

Personality: Bold/ painfully honest, very smart but doesn't show it, bipolar, lazy, fun but serious when needed, very easy to please because of the lack of love shown as a kid.

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