3. Goodbye Speedy

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There was an awkward silence with tension in the air after Robin spoke up for me.

"Tch... whatever" Speedy says breaking off the silence.

"Don't you guys care?! They're treating us like kids, worse, like sidekicks!" Speedy says going back to being angry, looking back at the other sidekicks in the room, completely baffled by how the sidekicks weren't upset at their mentor's treatment.

"We deserve better than this." Speedy states. The other sidekicks look at each other, not saying anything, seeming totally okay with it. Speedy looks shocked, "you're kidding,right? You're playing their game, why?! Today was supposed to be THE day, step one in becoming full fledged members of the league." He says while tightening his fist into balls, trying to contain his anger.

"Well, sure...but I thought step one was a tour of the HQ" Kidflash says with reason.

"Except the Hall isn't the League's real HQ, I bet they never told you it's just a false front for tourist and a pit stop for catching Zeta beam teleporter tubes to the real thing, an orbiting satellite called the watchtower." Speedy says.

All the sidekicks were shocked even me, but I wasn't that surprised that they didn't tell me, I was just shocked because I didn't know it existed. I was just a weapon, my existence is to make Batman's life easier. That's how I saw myself.

Green arrow turned around to face Batman, with a sheepish smile he said, "I know, I know, but I thought we could make an exception," But seeing Batman's emotionless face, his smile quickly disappeared, "or not."

Seems like someone is in trouble as soon as we leave, he looked like he was going to get a scolding.

"You are not helping your cause here son, stand down-," Aquaman starts to say but is cut off by Speedy.

"Or what you'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son! I'm not even his" he says while nodding his head towards Green Arrow, "I thought I was his partner but not anymore." Speedy says while throwing his hat on the floor. All the sidekicks eyes were wide with mouths a little open.

"Guess they were right about you three, you aren't ready." Speedy says while walking pass Robin, Kidflash, and Aqualad. He leaves through the door, and everyone watches him leave with his back to them.

As soon as he's out of the door, the big screen monitor turn on with Superman on the screen.

"Superman to Justice League, there's been an explosion at project Cadmus it's on fire."

Justice League approaches

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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