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"Alex knew that I like you. She always tease me about it, that is why I decided to actually follow her advice and put up a gallery here at National City. Turns out that I am a great stalker and bought the house across yours. I'm so sorry if I lied." Kara explained to Cat. "You did all this for me? You don't have to feel sorry about the lies Kara, you did everything just to make me feel at ease. And if I may say, I was actually happy that a person sees the real me because whenever I am there, at my ivory tower, everyone sees me as a cold-hearted bitch." Cat said to her to make Kara feel less guilty. "Alex said that once, and I quote. 'Why do you like Cat Grant so much? She's like super bitchy.' Yep, don't tell her that I told you that but then she sees the real you when she saw your eyes in my paintings." Kara chuckled the grab one of the paintings. "This is my favorite, I see the Catherine that I just met yesterday here."

"And where did you got the reference picture?" Cat raised a brow as if interrogating Kara

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"And where did you got the reference picture?" Cat raised a brow as if interrogating Kara. "I told you, I have friends inside your company. He's scared of you so I'm not telling you his name." She said and Cat was actually impressed. "Winslow Schott Jr., really Kara?" Cat said and Kara's jaw drop. "H-how did you know?" "He's the only computer droid who is good enough to actually hack my personal accounts, including Carter's. And he's the only one who is super scared of me." Cat laugh genuinely. "Don't fire him, okay?" Cat shook her head. "No Kara, I will not. Especially that I knew that he actually got these private pictures for you." She said and grab the painting out of Kara's hand. "Thank you for appreciating the real me Kara, it means a lot to me. And if I may say, work hard for it and you might get the chance to make the great Cat Grant fall for you as well." Cat smiled at her and hold her hand. "I will work hard for it." Kara answered. "Have that, it's yours. Don't want anyone else see my favorite Catherine." The younger blonde laugh and then pull Cat out to meet the other two.

"Kara, can I have that painting please?" Carter said when they saw them pointing at a Superman painting. The man of steel was almost kneeling, ready to take off for a flight. "Oh, yeah! That would be great to put up on your room." Kara said as she remove it from where it was displayed. "Isn't it too much, Kara? You've given us three paintings already. I will pay for that one." Cat said already digging at her pouch. "No need KittyCat. Kara will not let you pay for those paintings." Alex said knowingly as Cat raised her brow to Kara. "You see, when I am willing to share my paintings, I just give them out. Don't worry I earn just enough to my biddings." She didn't say that she actually earn millions from the biddings, it would be inappropriate. "I see, alright then. Thank you Kara." The older blonde said as she put back her cheques.


"We're here!" Alex announced as they park in Kara's garage. Kara looked at Carter who already fell asleep at the drive home. "Don't wake him Catherine, I'll carry him." Kara said and opened the car door. "He's heavy, you can't carry him." Cat whisper-yell. "Nope, she can." Alex stated and Kara just pull the sleeping boy out of the car. "Told ya!" The brunette added, Cat impressed at Kara's strength. "Good night, Alex." Cat said as she walked to follow Kara. "Wow, you actually call me Alex. Good night too, Cat." She replied back and then ran to enter Kara's house.

"Where's Carter's room?" "Upstairs, second door to the right." Cat said, removing her heels. Kara immediately go up and put Carter to bed. "Thank you Kara." Cat said as Kara emerge to near the foyer. "You're welcome, Catherine. Good night." She replied. "Good night, Kara." Cat said and Kara placed a quick kiss near her lips and ran out. "That girl will be the death of me." Cat murmured to herself as she hold on to her chest feeling her heart beat fast.

Yeah? If by any chance, this will be the very first fic that I will be able to finish. I'm so giddy I cannot stop typing.
Love you SuperCats! 😘

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