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"Alex, get up!" Kara jump over her sister's bed. "It's too early Kara, need more sleep." Kara shakes her sister more. "Come on, let's eat some breakfast out and then let's go to a dog pound." Alex got up excitedly. "We're adopting?" "No Alex, I am adopting." Kara cleared out. "Okay then, I will be an aunt so wait for me, I'm gonna go take a bath. " Alex said and ran to the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Alex! My stomach is rumbling!" Kara was seated at the driver's seat of her sister's truck. "Move, I'm driving!" Alex said and pushed Kara to the passenger side. "So what's the plan!" "Breakfast first then a new baby!" Kara squealed.

Alex started the truck, she already move it only to be stopped by Carter. "You're going somewhere guys?" "Hey Buddy! We are going to eat out for breakfast and I will adopt a dog after." Kara said to the kid who just arrived. "Woah, can I come? I already told mom that I will hangout with you today because hanging out on her office is kinda boring and she agreed, that's why I'm here. But it's okay if I can't." Carter said with a pout. "Of course you can come, but we need to tell your mom first, alright?" He nodded and got up to seat at the back of the car. "Alex? Grant's first." "Gotcha!"
A honk outside her house made her got up and put her robe, she looked at the window to see that it is Alex's truck. Cat immediately got outside. "Hi Cat, Good morning!" "Good morning, Alexandra! What do I owe you this morning visit?" Cat greeted the older Danvers who opened her window. "Catherine! Hi! Good Morning!" Kara pop her head to greet the woman. "Good morning to you too, Kara. So what's happening? Both of you are early. By the way, I send Carter to your home, did you leave him alone there?" Cat asked in panic and ready to get her son. "No mom, I'm here! And if it is alright with you, I will go with them." Carter said popping on the back seat. "It is alright with me if I know where the destination is." Cat answered. "Gonna eat breakfast at the Noonan's then off to adopt a puppy." Kara shrieked in happiness. "Alright, can you wait here, like five to ten minutes?" Cat asked and everyone nodded and she bolted inside there home. "Why are we waiting?" Kara asked Carter. "I dunno either." Carter answered and laughed. After a few minutes, Cat returned already prepared, make-up and all. "Does she have some kind of superpower?" Kara whispered to Carter and he just laughed.
"Let's go?" Cat announced. "You're coming mom? On a weekday? What about Catco?" Carter asked his mom in shocked. Cat never leave Catco unattended or without her supervision it's her other child. "I already called Mr. Olsen, Catco will not crumble without me for a day. " Carter with wide eye, looked at his mom in disbelief. "Is it really unbelievable for me not to go to work, Carter?" She asked her son. "Yes mom, Catco is like your other child." "But my real son is more important, so let's go?" Cat answered and ruffled her sons hair and kissed the top of his head.
"Non-fat Latte, extra hot." Cat whispered in Kara's ears upon entering at Noonan's. Kara looked at the woman who smirked at her and followed Carter to a seat. "Hey Alex, do get Carter's order, I'll go and get mine and Catherine's." The brunette looked at her sister with an raised brow. "Give me your wallet."
"Why?" Kara asked but still handed her wallet. "You're going to treat Cat so I will also treat Carter but with your money." Kara sigh and murmured 'it's fine' under her breath.

Kara stood at the counter ordering Cat's latte and hers. "Hi, can I order 3 sticky buns, Pumpkin spice latte with extra foam and a little bit cinammon sprinkled on top and a non-fat latte, extra hot." Kara smiled at the cashier. "You're Cat Grant's new assistant?" Kara scrunched her face at the question. "Uhm, nope. She's my friend and she's here with me." The cashier looked at her in shock. "You must be a very special friend, Miss Grant never go down here herself, she send's her assistant to order her special latte."
"You can say that I am." Kara answered and then winked at the cashier and took a seat beside Cat. "You didn't tell me that you're assistant order your lattes here, the cashier thought that I am your new assistant." Kara said as she slump at the chair. "Well, i'm pretty well known for my extra hot latte. And I'm so sorry if they thought you're my assistant." Cat apologized at Kara who is pouting. "Because you always fire your assistant after a day or two, mom!" Carter said and giggled. "It's because they are all incompetent." Cat said and laughed with her son. "Why don't Kara apply for it?" Alex joked with them. "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't date my assistant." Cat joked back.

"I-I..is that..are you?" Kara buffered in her sentence. "Please, darling. Finish your sentence correctly so we could understand what you really wanted to say." Cat said to the flushing blonde while Carter and Alex laughs. "Here's your order!" Save by the bell, the waitress handed their orders. "Seriously, Kara? 3 sticky buns for breakfast?" Cat eyed the buns situated in front of the young blonde. "She really eats a lot. You'll get used to it." Alex said to the woman while Kara started devouring the buns. "And how do you stay so fit?" She asked again, now eyeing Kara's biceps. "Work-out and I usually sweat while I paint." Kara answered this time and Cat murmured a faint 'that I would love to see' under her breath. "I already told you Catherine, I can hear you." She added and continued on devouring, Carter on the other hand started to eat his pancakes too, making it look like a eating competition.

"I still can't believe that you inhaled those sticky buns." Cat said on their way to the pound. "And I can't still believe that I was asked if I were your new assistant." Kara backed up and giggled. "So, why adopt a dog?" Cat asked curiously, the two of them are both seating at the back now while Carter sat at the passenger seat. "Well, first is because I cannot resist their charm, they are super cute. Second is that I am pretty much lonely, alone in a big house, although Alex come to visit sometimes and lastly, I already have a Cat." Kara answered that made Cat slightly blush, sometimes Kara Danvers can be brazen.
"Is that a pun? Well, I thought you hate puns Kitty?" Alex said as she looked at the rear view mirror. "I don't hate puns, I despise them!" Cat answered and the two sitting in the front are laughing. "Then why blush, KittyCat?" Alex added and continued on laughing. "I will definitely kill you Alexandra!" Cat answered and covered her face. "Don't cover your face, Catherine. You look more beautiful when you're flustered." And that's it, Cat smack Kara on her arm while Kara made a fake 'ow' expression.
"Alright you two, stop with the flirting and stuff you are not teenagers. And stop it because we are here already." Alex announced and Kara bounced on her seat. "And don't bounce too much on the seat sis, just go out there and pick your new buddy." "Sorry, just excited." Kara answered and hop off the truck.

She helps Cat to get out and held her hand. "So chivalrous." Cat murmured and she smiled at Kara. "Come on, let's go get our second baby." The younger blonde whispered to her and pulled the older blonde inside the pound.

My mind's a mess. Sorry if I am making this a bit off or awkward? I can't actually focus on anything right now but I really want to finish this! I will really try my very best.
More love 💞🎆

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 02, 2018 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Painting Youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें