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"Karaaaaa!" Carter rung the doorbell. "Woah, too early young man but a good time for pancakes!" Kara offered her prepared breakfast to the boy and he beamed happily. "Cool, I like pancakes! Mom and I brought some crullers too." He said as they headed to the kitchen, which is the only place that is already cleaned and fixed. "You already did the kitchen? I thought that we'll start later after breakfast." The boy asked as he look around. "Maybe because she just wants to get started so that she could actually cook in here."

"Your mother's right bud, and I know that kitchen wears are kinda heavy so I did it myself. Don't want you getting hurt." She wink at the eating boy and he nodded. "And those muscles will do no good if they can't carry heavy stuffs." Cat whispered silently thinking that Kara might not hear it. "Heard that Catherine." She also winked at the older woman who stood struck by her words. "I see that someone has a really good ears." Kara nodded at the comment and laughed. "What did mom say Kara?" Carter asked curiously getting all behind with the exchange. "Nothing special buddy, just finish up eating so we could actually get started. And by the way, my sister will be here any minute now. She will help us." She said to Carter who ate as fast as he could. "You have a sister? That's mildly interesting."

"Yeah, her name's Alexandra but she preferred being called as Alex, she's my adopted sister actually." She told Cat who took interest at the revelation. "You're adopted?" Kara nodded at her. "Yeah, my parents died in a fire when I was 13. Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers, are my adopted parent. They adopted me and look out for me as if I'm their own eversince then." She told her and fixed her glasses up. "I'm so sorry." "Oh no, it's actually fine. It hurts, yes but I always think that my parents are here and very close to me." Kara finished in time when the doorbell rang.

She ran fast to the door and opened it excitedly. "Alex! I missed you!" She hugged her sister. "Kara, too tight, c-can't breathe!" Alex said although she hugged her sister back. "Oops, sorry. Just missed you a lot!" Kara beamed happily. "I missed you too, Kara!" Alex said and then kissed Kara's forehead. "You have guests?" Alex said as she heard Carter's clattering utensils. "Yep, the Grants are here but can you please act like you don't know them and don't you dare embarass me!" She whispered to her sister who knew that Cat Grant is actually the reason why Kara is here at National City. "Okay sis, secret's safe with me." She whispered back as Kara led her to where her guests are.

"Hey guys! This is Alex my sister!" She introduced her sister to her guests. "Hello, I'm Carter Grant and that is my mom Cat Grant! It is nice to meet you Kara's sister." The shy boy didn't even shy away with her. 'A Danvers thing?" Cat thought at how charmed his boy is by these two. "Hello, Carter! It's nice to meet you too." Alex ruffled his hair which made him giggle. "Oh and the mom too, It's nice meeting you Miss Grant." Alex held her hand and Cat shook it. "Please call me Cat." She said and smiled at the older Danvers. "Okay, since you are introduce, why don't you help Alex with the living area bud?" Carter nodded and took off with a box labeled with 'living' in it.

"Don't try anything weird with the hot mom, lil sis." Alex said that only Kara's alien ears could hear and as if on cue, Kara blushed hard like she's going to explode. "Are you alright, Keira?" Cat said touching the younger blonde's forehead which made Kara even redder. "I'm fine, just not used to the heat I guess. And back to Keira, Miss Grant?" "Oh no, just checking if you're really alright and still attentive. Move along now Keira, we have so much to do." Kara smirked and carried two boxes in one time. "Yes, Miss Grant!"

That was short? The original 2nd chapter was deleted and I don't even know why it happens but then I decided to make a new one, and it appears that I change the storyline of this one from the previous work, but I am still hoping that you guys liked it. I'm still trying my best to make this work. I need reviews so I can actually move on to the story. 😊

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